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January 2025

Commutative Algebra and Applications

2025-01-01 through 2025-06-30
Fields Institute
Toronto, ON; Canada

Meeting Type: thematic research program

Contact: see conference website



CIRM Thematic Month: Singularities, differential equations, and transcendence

ag.algebraic-geometry co.combinatorics nt.number-theory
2025-01-27 through 2025-02-28
Marseille; France

Meeting Type: conferences

Contact: see conference website


This Thematic Month aims to cover topics related to singularity theory of algebraic or analytic spaces, algebraic study of differential equations, and their applications to questions of transcendence. This 5-week program covers different themes that are often not closely related. One of the main objectives is to make them interact. To encourage participants (especially the youngest ones) to attend the entire month and foster interactions outside each one’s expertise zone, the scientific program of each week of the month will consist of courses accessible to non-experts, as well as more specialized presentations. This month will consist of five successive weeks: – Logarithmic and non-archimedean methods in Singularity Theory. The first week will focus on recent results based on methods in logarithmic geometry and non-archimedean geometry in singularity theory. – Foliations, birational geometry and applications. The second week will cover topics in birational geometry, including singularity resolution, MMP (Minimal Model Program), algebraic foliation theory, and local holomorphic dynamics. – Tame Geometry. The third week will address tame geometry in various forms: o-minimality, transseries, Hardy fields, non-archimedean analogs of tame geometry, and their applications to number theory. – Galois differential Theories and transcendence. The fourth week is devoted to differential Galois theory and its applications to questions of functional transcendence and number theory, as well as the study of periods and E and G-functions. – Enumerative combinatorics and effective aspects of differential equations. The last week is dedicated to enumerative combinatorics and certain effective aspects of differential equations, especially applications in enumerative combinatorics of techniques presented in the previous week, or as effective results on topics covered in the preceding weeks.

February 2025

Tempered representations and K-theory

kt.k-theory-and-homology oa.operator-algebras rt.representation-theory
2025-02-24 through 2025-02-28
Institut Henri Poincare
Paris; UK

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: Haluk Sengun


The classification of tempered irreducible representations for real reductive groups was completed in the 1970s by Knapp and Zuckerman, following Harish-Chandra's work on the Plancherel formula. But some aspects of the subject are now undergoing a re-examination, following the discovery of new perspectives. C*-algebras and K-theory are valuable tools in Representation Theory, as shown, for instance, by the Mackey bijection. Indeed, it was the Connes-Kasparov isomorphism in K-theory that motivated the search for a natural bijection between the tempered dual of a real reductive group and the unitary dual of its Cartan motion group, as initially suggested by Mackey in the 1970s.

The meeting will focus on recent developments in which K-theoretic ideas have offered new perspectives on the tempered dual for reductive groups or symmetric spaces, and conversely on new approaches to operator-algebraic problems using contemporary tools in representation theory.

Topics will include:

  • New approaches to the Mackey bijection through pseudodifferential operator theory, which has itself undergone an extensive conceptual redesign in the past decade, thanks again to C*-algebra and K-theory connections;
  • New perspectives on the the Connes-Kasparov isomorphism using Dirac cohomology and cohomological induction;
  • Higher orbital intergrals, which make it possible to go beyond the "noncommutative topology of the tempered dual'', hinting at something like the "differential geometry'' of this noncommutative space;
  • Study of the Casselman-Schwartz algebras and their K-theory via Paley-Wiener theorems, and connections with the Connes-Kasparov isomorphism;
  • C*-algebraic analysis of the tempered dual from the point of view of G as a symmetric space for GxG, and more generally of the tempered spectrum of symmetric spaces.

March 2025

[New]Upstate New York Topology Seminar IV (UNYTS IV)

at.algebraic-topology gr.group-theory gt.geometric-topology
2025-03-01 through 2025-03-02
Binghamton University
Binghamton New York; United States

Meeting Type: Conference

Contact: James Hyde, Cary Malkiewich, Lorenzo Ruffoni, Danika Van Niel, Lucas Williams


We are pleased to announce the fourth installment of the Upstate New York Topology Seminar (UNYTS)! Binghamton University will be hosting UNYTS 2025 from Saturday March 1st - Sunday March 2nd in Binghamton, New York. The conference is open to everyone, you do not need to be from NY to register or to apply for funding.

The registration form is on the website. Please register by 01/31 to be considered for funding. The deadline to register is 02/15.

Our plenary speakers are:

Carolyn Abbott (Brandeis University)

Christy Hazel (Grinnell College)

Thomas Koberda (University of Virginia)

J.D. Quigley (University of Virginia)

We will also have parallel sessions where individuals can give 20 minute talks. Please register if you are interested in giving one!

Winter School on K-stability

2025-03-03 through 2025-03-07
Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (CIRM)
Marseille, Provence; France

Meeting Type: Winter School

Contact: Ivan Cheltsov, Liana Heuberger, Frédéric Mangolte


K-stability is a central topic in modern complex geometry. It characterises Fano manifolds that admit a Kähler-Einstein metric and provides a good notion of compact moduli space for Fano varieties. The winter school will bring together experts on K-stability who will give 3 mini-courses for PhD students and young researchers with a special focus on explicit problems in dimensions two and three. Along with lecture courses, there will be exercise sessions.

The speakers for the mini-courses are: Hamid Abban (University of Nottingham), Thibaut Delcroix (Université de Montpellier), Elena Denisova (University of Edinburgh), Ruadhaí Dervan (University of Glasgow), Kristin DeVleming (University of San Diego), Erroxe Etxabarri Alberdi (University of Warwick), Kento Fujita (Osaka University), Eveline Legendre (Université de Lyon).

Organising committee: Ivan Cheltsov, Liana Heuberger, Frédéric Mangolte

Scientific committee: Carolina Araujo, Sébastien Boucksom, Simon Donaldson, Chenyang Xu

56th Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory & Computing

2025-03-03 through 2025-03-07
Florida Atlantic University
Boca Raton, Florida; United States

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: see conference website



Arizona Winter School 2025: p-adic groups

ag.algebraic-geometry nt.number-theory rt.representation-theory
2025-03-08 through 2025-03-12
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ; USA

Meeting Type: graduate instructional conference

Contact: see conference website



 Charlotte Chan
 Jessica Fintzen
 Florian Herzig
 Tasho Kaletha 

[New]South Central Topology Conference IV

at.algebraic-topology ct.category-theory gn.general-topology gt.geometric-topology kt.k-theory-and-homology
2025-03-08 through 2025-03-09
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX; United States

Meeting Type:

Contact: Irina Bobkova



Geometric Approaches to the Local Langlands Program

nt.number-theory rt.representation-theory
2025-03-10 through 2025-03-13
Brin Mathematics Research Center (at University of Maryland, College Park)
College Park, Maryland; USA

Meeting Type: Workshop

Contact: Peter Dillery, Alexander Bertoloni Meli, Thomas Haines, Clifton Cunningham


This is a 4-day workshop that aims to explore connections between p-adic Arthur and ABV packets and geometric representation theory/the geometric Langlands program. It will feature talks from experts in both areas. The primary goal of this workshop is to foster new research directions and collaborations.

2ª Escola Brasileira de Combinatória (2nd Brazilian School of Combinatorics)

2025-03-10 through 2025-03-14
Rio de Janeiro, RJ; Brazil

Meeting Type: school

Contact: see conference website



[New]Géométrie birationnelle et K-stabilité dans les espaces de modules

2025-03-10 through 2025-03-12
Montreal/QC; Canada

Meeting Type: Conference

Contact: Houari Benammar


The proposed three-day workshop will focus on interrelated mathematical advances in each of the three currently highly active areas listed in the title.

[New]StolzFest: A Midwest Topology Meeting

2025-03-14 through 2025-03-16
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN; United States

Meeting Type: Midwest Topology Seminar

Contact: Mark Behrens, Ryan Grady, Christopher Schommer-Pries


Please join us to celebrate Stephan Stolz' retirement and topology and geometry in the Midwest! We thank the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Department of Mathematics, School of Science, and Office of Research at Notre Dame for support.

Registration by March 1 is requested and early funding decisions will be made on February 15 (an additional round of funding decisions will be made on March 1).

Confirmed Speakers:

  • Dan Berwick-Evans, UIUC
  • Holt Bodish, UIUC
  • Owen Gwilliam, UMass (Amherst)
  • Michael Joachim, Münster
  • Ralph Kaufmann, Purdue
  • Martina Rovelli, UMass (Amherst)
  • Maru Sarazola, Minnesota
  • Laura Schaposnik, UIC

Mid-Atlantic Topology Conference 2025

at.algebraic-topology ct.category-theory gt.geometric-topology
2025-03-22 through 2025-03-23
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia; USA

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: William Balderrama, Prasit Bhattacharya, Rebecca Field, J.D. Quigley



Analysis on homogeneous spaces and operator algebras

kt.k-theory-and-homology nt.number-theory oa.operator-algebras rt.representation-theory
2025-03-24 through 2025-03-28
Institut Henri Poincare
Paris; France

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: Haluk Sengun


Harmonic analysis on homogeneous spaces is a fundamental area of research that simultaneously generalizes classical harmonic analysis on groups and on Riemannian symmetric spaces. It naturally relates to many areas of mathematics, playing a central role in representation theory and the theory of automorphic forms.

This workshop will be an occasion to introduce recent developments in some of these areas. It will also aim to explore new connections between them and extend the fruitful interactions between C*-algebras, harmonic analysis and representation theory beyond the classical setting of groups to the general setting of homogeneous spaces.

Topics will include:

  • C*-algebraic approaches to the tempered dual of non-Riemannian symmetric spaces;
  • Harmonic analysis and Plancherel theory for spherical spaces;
  • Connections with the Langlands program and periods of automorphic forms;
  • Recent approaches to the theta correspondence via C*-algebras

[New]Lefschetz centennial

2025-03-24 through 2025-03-28
Institute of the Mathematical Sciences of the Americas, University of Miami
Coral Gables/Florida; United States

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: Dania Puerto


IMSA is hosting a conference to honor Solomon Lefschetz, a pioneering mathematician whose work in algebraic topology, algebraic geometry, and differential equations has shaped modern mathematics. Lefschetz, who overcame adversity after losing both hands, made groundbreaking contributions that continue to influence the field. The event will bring together experts to discuss advancements in these areas and celebrate his enduring legacy.

[New]MAGNTS (Midwest Arithmetic Geometry and Number Theory Series)

ag.algebraic-geometry nt.number-theory
2025-03-29 through 2025-03-30
The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH; United States

Meeting Type: Graduate students

Contact: Jennifer Park


The conference will feature two mini-courses, research talks, and an opportunity for the graduate students to present their work in a poster session, as well as a career panel. Through this conference, we hope that the graduate students and postdocs will see a broader spectrum of mathematics that are not necessarily available to them in their own institution, and we ultimately hope to build a strong community of number theorists and algebraic geometers in the Midwest. We will provide travel and hotel support to as many participants as possible. The registration form is available at magnts.org.

Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry: Highlighting Underrepresented Genders

ac.commutative-algebra ag.algebraic-geometry co.combinatorics nt.number-theory
2025-03-31 through 2025-04-04
Goethe University Frankfurt
Frankfurt; Germany

Meeting Type: Workshop

Contact: see conference website



Arithmetic geometry of K3 surfaces

ag.algebraic-geometry nt.number-theory
2025-03-31 through 2025-05-09
Bernoulli Center, EPFL
Lausanne; Switzerland

Meeting Type: thematic research program

Contact: see conference website



Women in Number Theory and Geometry (WINGs) 2025

ag.algebraic-geometry dg.differential-geometry nt.number-theory sg.symplectic-geometry
2025-03-31 through 2025-04-03
Haydock; United Kingdom

Meeting Type: in-person

Contact: Inés Chung-Halpern,Sophie Maclean, Catinca Mujdei, Maryam Nowroozi, Sara Varljen


Women In Number theory and Geometry (WINGs) 2025 is the fifth edition of an annual retreat aimed at early-career mathematicians. Our goal is to help cultivate a sense of community among women and other under-represented genders in number theory and geometry, as well as share their research interests. This year, WINGs will be held at the Mercure Haydock Hotel from March 31st to April 3rd 2025. Accommodation and meals will be provided for all participants.

Speakers include: Sara Angela Filippini (Università del Salento) Ailsa Keating (University of Cambridge) Margarida Melo (Università Roma Tre) Eugenia Roșu (Universiteit Leiden) Rosa Winter (UniDistance Suisse) In addition, there will be two talks about opportunities beyond academia, including one by a speaker from Journal of Number Theory. There will also be social activities to encourage interaction between participants, a session of lightning talks, and 20-minute talks given by participants, in the aim of learning about each other’s research interests and practising presentation skills. You can apply here until February 9th 2025. We aim to give you a response by the end of the following week. For updates and further information, please see our website and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

Groups and Geometry in Budapest

ag.algebraic-geometry gr.group-theory gt.geometric-topology
2025-03-31 through 2025-04-11
Erdös Center
Budapest; Hungary

Meeting Type: School and Workshop

Contact: see conference website


The school and workshop will be devoted to the most diverse aspects of group theory and geometry in their broadest sense (including algebraic geometry and neighboring fields).

1) The conference "Groups and geometry" between April 6-11, 2025.



Nir Avni, Gregorio Baldi, Mladen Bestvina, Emmanuel Breuillard, Serge Cantat, Thomas Delzant, Philippe Eyssidieux, Damien Gaboriau, Tsachik Gelander, Thomas Koberda, Julien Marché, Sam Mellick, Beatrice Pozzetti, Andrew Putman, Pierre Py, Nick Salter, Alex Suciu, Slobodan Tanusevski, Tianyi Zheng.

2) The school "Groups and geometry" between March 31 and April 5, 2025.


The school will feature four series of lectures by Andrew Putman, Pierre Py, Michael Chapman and Jean Rainbault. The main target audience for the school preceeding the conference are PhD students and postdocs.

Both events are organized at the Erdős Center affiliated with the Rényi Institute of Mathematics and will take place in the main hall of the Rényi Institute in the heart of Budapest.

The school and the conference are supported by the ERC Advanced Grants of Gavril Farkas and Bruno Klingler. For the school support for young participants is available and the application procedure is described on the website above.

The deadline for registration is February 15th.

With our best regards,

Miklós Abért, Gavril Farkas, Bruno Klingler.

April 2025

[New]10th Lake Michigan Workshop on Combinatorics and Graph Theory

2025-04-05 through 2025-04-06
University of Illinois, Chicago
Chicago, IL; United States

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: see conference website



Graduate Student Topology and Geometry Conference 2025

at.algebraic-topology dg.differential-geometry gn.general-topology gt.geometric-topology kt.k-theory-and-homology mg.metric-geometry sg.symplectic-geometry
2025-04-11 through 2025-04-13
Indiana University Bloomington
Bloomington, Indiana; United States

Meeting Type: Conference

Contact: J.F. Davis, A. Lindenstrauss, R. Bilas, P. Chan, A. Gopal, A. Paul, D. Sconce


Calling all topologists and geometers!

We, the Topologically Allied Conference Organizers of IU Bloomington (TACOs, for short), are pleased to announce that the 2025 meeting of the Graduate Student Topology and Geometry Conference will be held at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana! This is the 22nd meeting of GSTGC, and it will be held from Friday, April 11 to Sunday, April 13. If you are unfamiliar, GSTGC is a conference designed by and for graduate students who are interested in topology and geometry. The conference will bring over 120 graduate students from all around the country to Bloomington, and no matter what your interests are, there will surely be both a talk that you’ll find interesting and someone else who shares those interests! There is also an opportunity for graduate students to give talks, either expositional or research (see the registration for details). If you have questions feel free to email us at [email protected]. You can find the conference website here: https://topologyandgeometry.iu.edu/gstgc25/.

Registration for the conference is now open, with a deadline of January 15, 2025. You can register at: https://topologyandgeometry.iu.edu/gstgc25/registration.html

Our plenary speakers are:

  1. Sarah Koch (University of Michigan)
  2. Mark Powell (University of Glasgow)
  3. Inna Zakharevich (Cornell University)

In addition to our plenary speakers, we are also excited to announce the following 6 early-career speakers:

  1. Agustina Czenky (University of Southern California)
  2. Beibei Liu (Ohio State University)
  3. Anibal M. Medina-Maradones (University of Western Ontario)
  4. Maggie Miller (The University of Texas at Austin)
  5. Carmen Rovi (Loyola University Chicago)
  6. Roberta Shapiro (University of Michigan)

Combined, these nine speakers’ research areas cover a wide sweep of mathematics, including: topology of 4-manifolds, Bers-Teichmüller theory, scissor congruence, hyperbolic geometry, hyperbolic manifolds, topological quantum field theories, Kleinian groups, limit sets, links in 3-manifolds, applied and computational topology, homotopy theory, surgery theory, K- and L- theory, manifold theory, quantum algebra, Heegaard Floer homology, geometric group theory, and mapping class groups. There will also be at least 28 short graduate student talks to round out the weekend.

We hope to see you in Bloomington!


[New]The 3rd International Mathematics and Statistics Student Research Symposium

2025-04-12 through 2025-04-12
Online; United States

Meeting Type:

Contact: Feryal Alayont


The 3rd International Mathematics and Statistics Student Research Symposium (IMSSRS) will be held virtually on Saturday, April 12, 2025. IMSSRS is a free conference welcoming high school, community college, undergraduate, and graduate students to present their mathematics and statistics research, explore current research topics, and connect with like-minded enthusiasts. This year’s program features a keynote address by Dr. Susan Goldstine (St. Mary’s College of Maryland) on "The Long and Winding Road to Non-Euclidean Geometry." There will also be a panel discussion on "Life After College," exploring career options for mathematical science graduates, with opportunities for audience Q&A. Abstract submission and registration deadlines are March 28. While presenters must be students, all are welcome to attend. Visit the event website https://sites.google.com/view/imssrs/home for more details and share the experience with fellow students and colleagues.

Workshop Arithmetic France-Japan - フランス x 日本 数論幾何学 2025

ag.algebraic-geometry nt.number-theory
2025-04-14 through 2025-04-18
The University of Tokyo
Tokyo; Japan

Meeting Type: Workshop

Contact: Naoki IMAI, Francesco LEMMA, Tadashi OCHIAI


The goal of this workshop is to present a panorama of hot topics, and their recent progress, in arithmetic geometry (incl. p-adic Hodge theory, Shimura varieties and their cohomology, L-functions, Berkovich spaces, homotopy and anabelian geometry, Galois theory, condensed mathematics, vanishing cycles, motivic theory, birational geometry,...). Talks will include introductory presentations for graduate students and for PhD researchers.

[New]Affine Lie Algebras, Quantum Groups, and Their Representations

qa.quantum-algebra rt.representation-theory
2025-04-24 through 2025-04-26
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb
Zagreb; Croatia

Meeting Type: Workshop

Contact: Slaven Kozic


Affine Lie Algebras, Quantum Groups, and Their Representations is a workshop supported by the Croatian Science Foundation under the installation research project Quantum Current Algebras and Their Representation Theory. The workshop topics include all areas related to the representation theory of affine Lie algebras and quantum groups, such as combinatorial identities, quantum vertex algebras, etc.

37th Automorphic Forms Workshop

2025-04-29 through 2025-05-04
University of North Texas
Denton, Texas; United States

Meeting Type: Conference

Contact: Lea Beneish, Alexander Bertoloni Meli, Debanjana Kundu, Olav Richter


A conference on automorphic forms and related topics. The topics include mock modular forms, Maass wave forms, elliptic curves, Siegel and Jacobi modular forms, special values of L-functions, random matrices, quadratic forms, applications of modular forms, and many others. In addition to research talks, the workshop has, in the past years, featured panel discussion sessions. We expect to have many contributed talks and a mix of students and faculty.

5th IMA and OR Society Conference on Mathematics of Operational Research

2025-04-30 through 2025-05-02
Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
Birmingham; UK

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: Pamela Bye


Building on the success of the four previous conferences (held in 2017, 2019, 2021 and 2023) this biennial event will aim to draw together the considerable community of researchers and practitioners who use and / or develop innovative mathematics and data driven approaches, relevant to the applications and theory of Operational Research (OR). The conference will be held at the beautiful and easily accessible Conference Centre Aston in Birmingham and will showcase activities from across all areas of OR. We welcome contributions that are empirically motivated and with a focus on application, as well as those that are theoretically driven. The conference will host plenaries from leading international experts, sessions of themed talks, as well as poster sessions, and will provide plenty of opportunities for networking. We look forward to seeing you in Birmingham in April 2025 for a terrific event and to celebrate together the successes of OR! EDI The IMA, the OR Society, and the conference committee strongly support diversity and inclusion. It is our intention to host a conference that is welcoming and inclusive for all, and we will be making active efforts to support the participation of individuals and groups who are under-represented at such academic events and in our discipline more broadly. As part of improving understanding amongst the OR community of the different barriers individuals face, we would like to invite session leaders and individual speakers to include as part of their presentation(s) their own experiences of achievement, inclusion, and exclusion. This will be complemented with a number of focused sessions with key speakers on the particular challenges faced by different groups.

May 2025

[New]URiCA 2025 (Upcoming Researchers in Commutative Algebra)

ac.commutative-algebra ag.algebraic-geometry co.combinatorics rt.representation-theory
2025-05-03 through 2025-05-04
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, Nebraska; United States

Meeting Type: Conference for graduate students and postdocs

Contact: Shah Roshan-Zamir, Ryan Watson, Kara Fagerstrom, Ben Katz, Ana Podariu


The next installment of URiCA, Upcoming Researchers in Commutative Algebra (previously KUMUNU Jr), will take place on May 3rd and 4th at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The goal of this conference is to showcase research done by graduate students and postdocs and promote interaction among junior researchers in commutative algebra. There will be seven 50-minute invited talks as well as a poster session and a call for collaboration/open problem session. Please use the links below to register and note the registration deadline for funding is March 23rd.

List of invited speakers:

Bek Chase (Purdue University)

Caitlin Davis (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Karthik Ganapathy (University of California, San Diego)

Nawaj KC (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)

Feiyang Lin (University of California, Berkeley)

Anastasia Nathanson (University of Minnesota Twin Cities)

Xianglong Ni (University of Notre Dame)

Please don't hesitate to contact the organizing team with any questions.

We really hope to see you at the conference!

Conference Homepage

Registration Link


Asymptotic counting and L-functions

2025-05-05 through 2025-05-09
Bonn; Germany

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: see conference website



34th Cumberland Conference

2025-05-17 through 2025-05-18
Auburn University
Auburn, AL; United States

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: see conference website


Dates and Location

The conference will begin on the morning of Saturday, May 17 and finish in mid-afternoon on Sunday, May 18. All talks will take place in the ACLC Building. Please note the deadlines below.

  • March 17 funding request deadline.
  • April 17 abstract submission deadline.
  • May 2 registration deadline.

Plenary Speakers

  • Anthony Bonato, Toronto Metropolitan University
  • Daniel Cranston, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • Peter Nelson, University of Waterloo
  • Zi-Xia Song, University of Central Florida


The series of Cumberland Conferences on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing began with the intention of meeting a regional need. The conferences bring together internationally known researchers, university and college professors from throughout the southeastern region, some industrial mathematicians and computer scientists, graduate students in these fields, and some undergraduate students. Particular efforts are made to include faculty and students from smaller institutions throughout the region. These conferences are typically held during the month of May, immediately after the end of the spring semester, and the location rotates among universities in the Cumberland region.

Organizing Committee

  • Joe Briggs
  • Jessica McDonald
  • Songling Shan
  • Zach Walsh

    Please contact the organizers at zww0009@auburn.edu if you have any questions.

Scientific Committee

  • Mark Ellingham
  • Dong Ye

NUMBER THEORY, QUANTUM CHAOS AND THEIR INTERFACES A conference in honor of Zeev Rudnick's 64 birthday

mp.mathematical-physics nt.number-theory
2025-05-18 through 2025-05-22
Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv; Israel

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: see conference website


The conference "Number Theory, Quantum Chaos and their Interfaces” aims at gathering distinguished researchers working in either of the disciplines to discuss recent research advances in these fields, and serve as a playground for the exchange of ideas between these, rather diverse, research communities. Another purpose of our conference is to provide a solid educational platform for more junior researchers who aspire to conduct research in the relevant fields and expose them to some of the outstanding results and open problems.

Rowing Through Numbers, Celebrating Francesco Pappalardi's 60th birthday

2025-05-18 through 2025-05-21
Sahaladdin University
Erbil/Kurdistan Region; Iraq

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: Valerio Talamanca


This meeting will take place on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Francesco Pappalardi. This event honours his outstanding contributions to number theory, and will also be a recognition of his exceptional activity in promoting mathematics in countries which need it the most. In particular, Francesco is a driving force for mathematical cooperation between Kurdistan Iraq and other countries, including Italy. This conference will be an opportunity to feature outstanding international mathematicians in Erbil and showcase the scientific potential of Kurdistan Iraq.

Constructive Functions 2025

2025-05-19 through 2025-05-22
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, Tennessee; USA

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: Ryan Matzke


This is the 37th annual Shanks Conference, focusing on all aspects of constructive function theory and related areas, including orthogonal polynomials, special functions, potential theory, energy optimization, and various problems related to optimization and efficiency.

Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference (CanaDAM 2025)

2025-05-20 through 2025-05-23
Ottawa; Canada

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: see conference website



2025 Talbot Workshop

at.algebraic-topology gn.general-topology
2025-05-26 through 2025-06-01
University of Minnesota
TBD; United States

Meeting Type:

Contact: Maxine Calle, Alex Karapetyan, Eunice Sukarto


Hello everyone,

We are delighted to announce the Talbot Workshop 2025, mentored by Alexander Kupers and Nathalie Wahl! Please see below for the details of the workshop and a link to the application.

Please share this message with anyone you think would benefit from attending.

Best regards, The Talbot Workshop organizers (Maxine Calle, Alex Karapetyan, and Eunice Sukarto)


2025 Talbot Workshop: Homological Stability Mentored by: Alexander Kupers and Nathalie Wahl Dates: May 26 - June 1, 2025 Location: TBA, but somewhere in the US

Application link: https://forms.gle/KaStAZurFQ5LDB1z5 Application deadline: Feb 2, 2025 More details can be found on the website: https://sites.google.com/view/talbotworkshop/home

What: The Talbot Workshop is a one week learning workshop for roughly 35 graduate students and a few postdocs. Most of the talks will be given by participants, and will be expository in nature.

Topic description: Many groups and spaces come in families depending on a parameter: configuration spaces depend on the number of points considered, mapping class groups of surfaces on the genus of the surface. For such families, it often happens that the homology stabilizes as this parameter goes to infinity. Moreover, computing the stable homology frequently turns out to be easier because other tools can be used. In recent years, combining homological stability results with stable computations has become a powerful tool in algebraic topology and robust machinery for proving homological stability theorems has been developed. In this workshop we aim to introduce the participants to this circle of ideas.

Outline: This workshop will explain how to prove homological stability results through examples, such as symmetric groups, configuration spaces, mapping class groups, and others, and how to use them in conjunction with stable computations. The homological stability machines that we will cover are Quillen’s classical inductive approach and a more recent approach using Ek-algebras. Both machines have as input connectivity results for simplicial complexes and we will also see how such results are proved.

Background: The workshop will be aimed towards graduate students with a basic understanding of algebraic topology, including spectral sequences and classifying spaces.

Talbot is meant to encourage collaboration among young researchers, with an emphasis on graduate students. We also aim to gather participants with a diverse array of knowledge and interests, so applicants need not be an expert in the field -- in particular, students at all levels of graduate education are encouraged to apply. As we are committed to promoting diversity in mathematics, we especially encourage women, minorities, and underrepresented groups in mathematics to apply.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email the organizers at talbotworkshop (at) gmail (dot) com.

Summer School on Topological Methods in Combinatorics

2025-05-27 through 2025-05-31
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa; United States

Meeting Type: school

Contact: see conference website



June 2025

Summer School on Modern Tools in Low-Dimensional Topology

gt.geometric-topology qa.quantum-algebra
2025-06-02 through 2025-06-06
Trieste; United States

Meeting Type:

Contact: Ciprian Manolescu


The summer school is aimed at graduate students in low-dimensional topology. The goal is to make students familiar with the novel techniques in the field that have led to recent advances in our understanding of four-dimensional manifolds.

The program will consist of four mini-courses of 5 lectures each, all accompanied by discussion sessions:

  1. Skein lasagna modules (by Mike Willis and Melissa Zhang)
  2. Real Seiberg-Witten theory (by Hokuto Konno and Ian Montague)
  3. Kontsevich invariants from configuration spaces (by Jianfeng Lin and Danica Kosanovic)
  4. Lefschetz fibrations and closed exotic 4-manifolds (by Andras Stipsicz and Zoltan Szabo)

p-adic and Characteristic p Methods in Algebraic Geometry

2025-06-02 through 2025-06-13
Bernoulli Center, EPFL
Lausanne; Switzerland

Meeting Type: workshop

Contact: see conference website



[New]Statistics of class groups and number fields

2025-06-02 through 2025-06-06
ETH Zurich
Zurich, Zurich; Switzerland

Meeting Type: Workshop

Contact: Peter Koymans


The goal of arithmetic statistics is to understand the average behavior of families of arithmetic objects such as class groups, elliptic curves and zeta functions. This workshop will focus on arithmetic statistics in a broad sense, but with a particular emphasis on the distribution of class groups and number field counting. The goal of this workshop to present recent advances in these fields, and there will also be ample time for collaboration.

[New]Arithmetic-Algebraic Geometry

ag.algebraic-geometry nt.number-theory
2025-06-02 through 2025-06-06
Khanh Hoa University and Institute of Mathematics-VAST
Nha Trang ; Vietnam

Meeting Type: Conference

Contact: Phùng Hồ Hải


The Conference aims to create a forum for Vietnamese and international researchers to present their newest scientific achievements; to provide opportunities for students and young researchers to be exposed to current research as well as to meet specialists in the field.

[New]YuBi60: modular and diophantine problems

ag.algebraic-geometry nt.number-theory
2025-06-04 through 2025-06-06
Université de Bordeaux
Bordeaux; France

Meeting Type: Conference

Contact: see conference website


The closing conference of ANR JINVARIANT will be held in Bordeaux, at the Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux, on June 4–6, 2025. This will also be the opportunity to celebrate our friend and colleague Yuri Bilu and his work on the occasion of his 60th birthday. The conference will center around: the j-invariant function and singular moduli, modular curves, integral points, Diophantine equations.

Graduate student workshop on discrete groups in topology and algebraic geometry

ag.algebraic-geometry gt.geometric-topology nt.number-theory
2025-06-09 through 2025-06-13
Notre Dame
Notre Dame, Indiana; USA

Meeting Type: graduate student workshop

Contact: Aaron Landesman


This is a graduate student workshop on discrete groups in topology and algebraic geometry. This includes topics like fundamental groups of varieties and mapping class groups. This is the second week of a three week long thematic program. The conference the following week may also be of interest to graduate students.

Quasiweekend III

ap.analysis-of-pdes dg.differential-geometry ds.dynamical-systems gt.geometric-topology mg.metric-geometry
2025-06-09 through 2025-06-13
University of Helsinki
Helsinki; Finland

Meeting Type: Conference

Contact: Nageswari Shanmugalingam, Pekka Pankka, Kirsi Peltonen, Sylvester Eriksson-Bique, Mari Snipes


Conference Quasiweekend III - Twenty years on collects together experts, from all fields of mathematics, using quasiconformal methods, especially in complex dynamics, geometric function theory, geometric group theory, analysis on metric spaces. Previous conferences in this series, Quasiweekend and Quasiweekend II – Ten years after, took place in 2005 and 2015, respectively, in Helsinki. With Quasiweekend III we celebrate mathematical legacy of Juha Heinonen -- initiator of this conference series -- in the broad field of quasiconformal analysis.

Conference on Modern Developments in Low-Dimensional Topology

gt.geometric-topology qa.quantum-algebra
2025-06-09 through 2025-06-13
Trieste; United States

Meeting Type:

Contact: Ciprian Manolescu


The conference will consist of several research talks on topics of current interest in low dimensional topology, including four-manifolds, knot invariants, categorification, gauge theory, and connections to physics.

Confirmed conference speakers: Mina Aganagić, UC Berkeley Aleksei Andreev, U. Zurich William Ballinger, Harvard Inanc Baykur, U Mass Amherst Valentina Bias, SISSA Trieste Eugene Gorsky, UC Davis Matthew Hogancamp, Northeastern Sungkyung Kang, Oxford Marc Lackenby, Oxford Jiakai Li, Harvard Cristina Palmer-Anghel, U. Leeds Qianhe Qin, Stanford Qiuyu Ren, UC Berkeley Alexander Schmidhuber, MIT Masaki Taniguchi, Kyoto University Laura Wakelin, King's College Paul Wedrich, U. Hamburg

Discrete Groups in Topology and Algebraic Geometry

ag.algebraic-geometry gt.geometric-topology nt.number-theory
2025-06-16 through 2025-06-20
Notre Dame
Notre Dame, Indiana; USA

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: Aaron Landesman


This is a conference on discrete groups in topology and algebraic geometry, which includes topics like fundamental groups of varieties and mapping class groups. This is the third week of a thematic program on the topic.

Rethinking Number Theory 6

2025-06-16 through 2025-06-27
virtual; Online

Meeting Type: Research workshop

Contact: see conference website


RNT6 will be a remote collaborative research experience for the weeks of June 16 through June 27, 2025. The goal is for participants to learn new math, get to know colleagues, and have a joyful, affirming research experience. You must apply to participate! Team leaders have planned projects for participants to work on during the workshop. You can read more about the 6 projects on our website.

To ensure that all participants can share in this joyful research experience, we ask that all who apply to participate be committed to equity and justice. We will also make time to imagine a different way to do math: How can our profession be transformed to welcome and support everyone?

RNT aims to foster diversity; we particularly encourage applications from historically underrepresented people in mathematics (including Black and Indigenous people, people of color, women, LGBTQ+ members of the community, and people with disabilities), scholars at undergraduate institutions, and in general scholars at all stages of their career who believe they would benefit from this experience. Please share this announcement with any groups, students, post docs, and scholars at all points in their careers who might be interested in participating in this workshop.

Géométrie Algébrique en Liberté (GAeL XXXII)

2025-06-16 through 2025-06-20
Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse
Toulouse; France

Meeting Type:

Contact: Amy Li


The 32nd edition of Géométrie Algébrique en Liberté (GAeL) will be hosted by the Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse from June 16-20, 2025. The deadline for applications is March 2, 2025, and the application form can be found on the website.

The GAeL conferences are a series of annual meetings organised for and by young researchers in algebraic geometry (PhD students and young postdocs). The objective is not only to introduce the participants to subjects that are likely to be of relevance in the forthcoming years, but also to encourage them to actively participate in the mathematical community at an early stage of their career. Each year we invite 3 senior lecturers to give 4 hour mini courses. The rest of the talks are chosen from among the junior participants and are often the first opportunity people get to speak in front of an international audience. We try to keep the atmosphere very friendly and inclusive.

The senior speakers in 2025 will be:

Ada Boralevi (Polytechnic University of Turin)

Talk: Spaces of matrices with rank conditions and more

Tyler Kelly (Queen Mary University of London)

Talk: A guided tour into the mirror

Daniel Loughran (University of Bath)

Talk: Stacks in birational geometry and number theory

47th Annual Summer Symposium in Real Analysis

ca.classical-analysis-and-odes ds.dynamical-systems fa.functional-analysis
2025-06-16 through 2025-06-20
Complutense University of Madrid
Madrid; Spain

Meeting Type: research in real analysis and measure theory

Contact: Daniel L. Rodríguez-Vidanes


This is the 47th symposium in a series that dates back to 1978, interrupted only during the covid years. As always, there will be a large number of contributed 20 minute talks as well as several hour long plenary lectures. Significant time is set aside to promote collaboration; new PhDs and young mathematicians are particularly encouraged to attend. This year’s Plenary Speakers are: 1. Per Enflo, Kent State University and Universidad Complutense de Madrid 2. Luis Bernal González, University of Seville 3. Kornélia Héra, University of Bonn 4. Krystal Taylor, The Ohio State University

47th Annual Summer Symposium in Real Analysis

ca.classical-analysis-and-odes ds.dynamical-systems fa.functional-analysis
2025-06-16 through 2025-06-20
Complutense University of Madrid
Madrid; Spain

Meeting Type: research in real analysis and measure theory

Contact: Daniel L. Rodríguez-Vidanes


This is the 47th symposium in a series that dates back to 1978, interrupted only during the covid years. As always, there will be a large number of contributed 20 minute talks as well as several hour long plenary lectures. Significant time is set aside to promote collaboration; new PhDs and young mathematicians are particularly encouraged to attend. This year’s Plenary Speakers are: 1. Per Enflo, Kent State University and Universidad Complutense de Madrid 2. Luis Bernal González, University of Seville 3. Kornélia Héra, University of Bonn 4. Krystal Taylor, The Ohio State University

47th Annual Summer Symposium in Real Analysis

ca.classical-analysis-and-odes ds.dynamical-systems fa.functional-analysis
2025-06-16 through 2025-06-20
Complutense University of Madrid
Madrid; Poland

Meeting Type: research in real analysis and measure theory

Contact: Daniel L. Rodríguez-Vidanes


This is the 47th symposium in a series that dates back to 1978, interrupted only during the covid years. As always, there will be a large number of contributed 20 minute talks as well as several hour long plenary lectures. Significant time is set aside to promote collaboration; new PhDs and young mathematicians are particularly encouraged to attend. This year’s Plenary Speakers are: 1. Per Enflo, Kent State University and Universidad Complutense de Madrid 2. Luis Bernal González, University of Seville 3. Kornélia Héra, University of Bonn 4. Krystal Taylor, The Ohio State University

47th Annual Summer Symposium in Real Analysis

ca.classical-analysis-and-odes ds.dynamical-systems fa.functional-analysis
2025-06-16 through 2025-06-20
Complutense University of Madrid
Madrid; Spain

Meeting Type: research in real analysis and measure theory

Contact: Daniel L. Rodríguez-Vidanes


This is the 47th symposium in a series that dates back to 1978, interrupted only during the covid years. As always, there will be a large number of contributed 20 minute talks as well as several hour long plenary lectures. Significant time is set aside to promote collaboration; new PhDs and young mathematicians are particularly encouraged to attend. This year’s Plenary Speakers are: 1. Per Enflo, Kent State University and Universidad Complutense de Madrid 2. Luis Bernal González, University of Seville 3. Kornélia Héra, University of Bonn 4. Krystal Taylor, The Ohio State University

Algebraic Points on Curves

ag.algebraic-geometry nt.number-theory
2025-06-23 through 2025-06-27
Providence, RI; USA

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: see conference website


In recent years, there has been an explosion of activity surrounding algebraic points on curves, from many different perspectives. These include the study of measures of irrationality, isolated and parametrized points, computational methods to determine algebraic points, and the arithmetic statistics of algebraic points. In this workshop, we aim to bring together researchers from these diverse perspectives, with the particular goal of developing bridges between them. The workshop will include overview talks on the various perspectives, research talks, an open problem session, and structured time for collaboration.

4th IMA Conference on Dense Granular Flows

2025-06-23 through 2025-06-26
Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
Cambridge; UK

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: Pamela Bye


Flows involving solid particulates are ubiquitous in nature and industry alike. Such flows are found in pharmaceutical production, the chemical industry, the food and agricultural industries, energy production and the environment. Many unsolved problems remain, however. In order to be able to solve problems, granular flows need to be understood so that their behaviour can be controlled and predicted. We are able to describe rapid granular flows, where the particles are highly agitated and there has been some success describing static systems. The intermediate regime, where these two phases meet and coexist, is not as well understood and yet is the most commonly observed behaviour of granular flow. The objective of this meeting will be to interface the two ends of the particulate flow spectrum – those working to understand the fundamentals of granular flows and those attempting to control particulate flows in an industrial setting – to develop solutions to the complex problems presented by dense granular flows. Themes will include dense granular flow, biological systems, self-propelled particles and geological flows, exploring new developments in theoretical analysis and experimental techniques. All attendees will be provided with an opportunity to present recent work and there will be substantial time for discussion, both during the workshop and during the evening! Postgraduate and PhD students are particularly welcomed and oral presentations will reflect the breadth of the field.

41st International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2025)

2025-06-23 through 2025-06-27
Kanazawa; Japan

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: see conference website



Modular in Bielefeld

2025-06-23 through 2025-06-26
Bielefeld University
Bielefeld; Germany

Meeting Type: Conference

Contact: Claudia Alfes, Ana Botero, Annika Burmester, Lennart Gehrmann, Paul Kiefer



26th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS2025)

2025-06-23 through 2025-06-27
National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU)
Kaohsiung; Taiwan

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: see conference website



[New]Trisectors Workshop 2025: Connections with Diffeomorphism Groups

2025-06-23 through 2025-06-27
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas; United States

Meeting Type: Workshop

Contact: Alex Zupan


Join us for a five-day workshop hosted by UT Austin, with support from the NSF. Mornings will be dedicated to talks, and in the afternoons, participants will work in small groups on open problems related to connections between 4-manifold trisections and diffeomorphism groups. The workshop will be preceded by introductory mini-courses on Zoom taking place on June 18 and June 20. Participants may register for either or both workshop components. The workshop will conclude at noon on Friday, 6/27. Participation is by application, and the priority deadline for funding is April 7.

IMA Mathematics Anxiety International conference

2025-06-24 through 2025-06-26
Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
Cambridge; UK

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: Pamela Bye


The 1st IMA Mathematics Anxiety International Conference will take place at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences, the University of Cambridge, in the heart of the historical city. It aims to bring together researchers, academics, teachers, publishers, policy makers and all interested in the conference theme from all over the world. We particularly welcome submissions from researchers (at any stage) in interdisciplinary fields such as education, psychological and behavioural science, and sociology and envisage a number of themes including: 1. Mathematics anxiety reported by non-specialists i.e., students studying disciplines other than mathematics 2. Gender and other dimensions to mathematics anxiety 3. Concepts linked to mathematics anxiety such as negative emotions, unfavourable attitudes, motivation, communication, self-efficacy, mathematical self-concept, resilience to failure, and autonomy 4. Precursors and impacts of mathematics anxiety 5. Communicating and teaching quantitative courses such as mathematics, statistics, research methods and operational research 6. Pedagogical interventions to support mathematics anxiety sufferers such as blended learning, mindset interventions, those designed to enhance self-efficacy, student-led education, and student-voice 7. Interventions such as brain stimulation 8. Promoting equity, inclusion and diversity (EDI), in mathematics education Proposals for Mini Symposium A mini symposium is a session on a specialist topic, consisting of three to four 20-minute relevant talks. You would be responsible for organising deadlines and contributions. If you are interested in holding a mini symposium then please fill out this form with a proposed title and abstract of less than 300 words. https://forms.gle/ZeqEyfK3FENutPHs5


Journées Arithmétiques

2025-06-30 through 2025-07-04
University of Luxembourg
Luxembourg; Luxembourg

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: see conference website



July 2025

Probabilistic and Extremal Combinatorics, IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute

2025-07-06 through 2025-07-26
Institute for Advanced Study
Park City, Utah; United States

Meeting Type: school

Contact: see conference website



LMFDB, Computation, and Number Theory (LuCaNT 2025)

2025-07-07 through 2025-07-11
Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM)
Providence, RI; USA

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: Andrew Sutherland



13th IMA International Conference on Modelling in Industrial Maintenance and Reliability (MIMAR)

2025-07-08 through 2025-07-10
Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
Lorraine; UK

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: Pamela Bye


MIMAR is the premier maintenance and reliability modelling conference. It is an excellent international forum for disseminating information on the state-of-the-art research, theories and practices in maintenance and reliability modelling and offers a platform for connecting researchers and practitioners from around the world. Presentations are encouraged on theory or application of maintenance and reliability: • Maintenance and reliability modelling • Reliability and maintenance engineering • Degradation modelling and reliability assessment • Digital twin for reliability and maintenance • Predictive maintenance modelling and application • Machine learning and data analysis in reliability and maintenance engineering • Reinforcement learning for maintenance decision-making and optimization • Prognostics and health management • Awareness health control • Safety, Security and Risk and management • Fault detection and diagnosis • Expert elicitation • Operational research • Production planning and control • Quality control and management • Resilience engineering • Sustainability • Systems modelling and simulation • Life cycle/performance analysis

Summer Institute in Algebraic Geometry

2025-07-14 through 2025-08-01
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO; USA

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: see conference website



CIMPA Summer School on Elliptic Curves and their Applications

ag.algebraic-geometry nt.number-theory
2025-07-14 through 2025-07-26
Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia
Yerevan; Armenia

Meeting Type: Summer School

Contact: Mihran Papikian



[New]Progress and Emergent Theories in Zeta and L-Functions (PRETZL)

2025-07-21 through 2025-07-25
Bonn; Germany

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: Oana Padurariu


There has been an enormous amount of progress in the analytic theory of zeta and L-functions over the past decade. Our understanding in the classical theory of the value distribution of the Riemann zeta function has achieved new heights with spectacular breakthroughs on moments and extreme values (both local and global) leading to a better understanding of families of L-functions more generally. Great strides have also been made for higher degree L-functions through the remarkable achievements in subconvexity problems and higher degree trace formulae.

These techniques are still in their infancy and there is great scope for exploration and new applications. The aim of this conference is to bring together distinguished researchers working in the classical analytic, probabilistic, and automorphic theories and utilise the creative environment of MPIM and Bonn to further develop these important interactions.

[New]Queer and Trans Mathematicians in Algebra and Representation Theory (QTMART)

gr.group-theory qa.quantum-algebra ra.rings-and-algebras rt.representation-theory
2025-07-23 through 2025-07-25
Hausdorff Center for Mathematics
Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia; Germany

Meeting Type: workshop

Contact: Alice Dell'Arciprete, Alexis Langlois-Rémillard, Dinushi Munasinghe, David Schwein


QTMART is a workshop on algebra and representation theory taken in a broad sense, run by and for queer and trans mathematicians. It aims to showcase the research done in this field by this community and bring together senior researchers, junior researchers, and graduate students to discuss topics of common interest in a non-competitive environment.

Alongside the workshop, an exploratory program on queer mathematics and inclusion will take place. The activities of the program will focus on exploring what it means to do mathematics as a queer or trans mathematician, and if there is such a thing as queer mathematics. It will also address the question of how to make the working culture and environment more welcoming and diverse, and will aim to initiate concrete actions in this regard.

This workshop welcomes talks by early-career researchers. Please indicate on the application form if you would like to give a talk and on what topic.

The event is open to everyone accepting the community agreement (which will be based upon Oberwolfach's Statement of Respect and Collegiality https://www.mfo.de/about-the-institute/guiding-principles/equality-diversity-inclusion/statement-for-respect-and-collegiality, taking suggestions from the participants into account). However, priority in assigning talks will be given to self-identifying queer and trans mathematicians, and some activities in the program will be reserved for this group.

Plenary Speakers:

  • Chris Bowman (University of York)
  • Ian Musson (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
  • J. Daisie Rock (FWO, KU Leuven, UGent)
  • Beth Romano (King's College London)
  • Dani Tubbenhauer (University of Sydney)

August 2025

Summer school: Invitation to complex geometry

cv.complex-variables dg.differential-geometry
2025-08-04 through 2025-08-08
Renyi Institute
Budapest; Hungary

Meeting Type: Summer School

Contact: see conference website


During this one week summer school, Eleonora di Nezza (Paris, Sorbonne) and Siarhei Finski (Paris, CNRS) will give introductory talks on Kahler geometry to a group of non-experts, primarily composed of students and postdocs. Registration to open soon. The event is part of a special semester on complex geometry at the Renyi Insitute.

Eleonora Di Nezza: Pluripotential theory and L∞ estimates for complex Monge-Ampère equations

Abstract: In these lectures, we introduce and explore fundamental concepts in pluripotential theory, which are essential for studying (degenerate) complex Monge-Ampère equations on Kähler manifolds. We then shift our focus to a novel approach for obtaining L∞ a priori estimates for these equations. This method, which has a "local" character and relies solely on the use of envelopes, was recently developed by Guedj and Lu.

Siarhei Finski: Asymptotic study of submultiplicative filtrations

Abstract: It has long been recognized that the study of manifold degenerations plays a crucial role in addressing many questions in geometry, including the search for canonical metrics. Some degenerations can be understood on the algebraic level through the so-called submultiplicative filtrations, which are certain filtrations on rings respecting the algebraic structure. The most basic example is the filtration on the space of homogeneous polynomials given by the order of vanishing along a subvariety in the projective space.

This course is about the geometric quantization approach to these filtrations, which effectively establishes several results at the crossroads of algebraic and differential geometry. We discuss some applications towards the search of canonical metrics and cover the necessary preliminaries including the Ohsawa-Takegoshi extension theorem, Bergman kernels, and the theory of graded normed algebras.

Summer school: Summer school on singular Kählerian metrics and Hermitian geometry

cv.complex-variables dg.differential-geometry
2025-08-11 through 2025-08-15
Renyi Institute
Budapest; Hungary

Meeting Type: Summer School

Contact: Tamas Darvas


During this one week summer school, Hans-Joachim Hein (Munster) and Daniele Angella (Firenze) will give series of talks on recent advances on Singular Kahler metrics, and Hermitian geometry respectively. We expect that the audience will consist of advanced graduate students, postdocs and junior faculty working in complex geometry. Both speakers will deliver 4 lectures of 50 minutes, with each lecture accompanied by a problem session. Registration to open soon. This event is part of a special semester on complex geometry at the Renyi Insitute

Daniele Angella: Cohomological properties and Hermitian metrics of complex non-Kähler manifolds

Abstract: the first lectures will provide a survey of the cohomological properties and topological aspects of complex manifolds, as well as canonical metrics on complex manifolds. We will then focus on some analytic problems concerning the geometry of the Chern connection on Hermitian manifolds, such as the existence of metrics with constant Chern-scalar curvature, generalizations of the Kähler-Einstein condition to the non-Kähler setting, the convergence of the Chern-Ricci flow on compact complex surfaces, and the asymptotic behavior of Monge-Ampère volumes of Hermitian metrics in the ddc-class.

Hans-Joachim Heins: TBA

René 25

ag.algebraic-geometry nt.number-theory
2025-08-18 through 2025-08-22
University of French Polynesia
Punaauia; French Polynesia

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: see conference website


The René 25 conference's purpose is to celebrate the research interests of René Schoof.

Arithmetic cycles, Modular forms, and L-functions - A celebration of the mathematics of Henri Darmon on the occasion of his 60th birthday

2025-08-18 through 2025-08-22
Centre de recherches mathématiques
Montreal, Quebec; Canada

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: Antonio Lei



Number Theory Down Under 2025

2025-08-25 through 2025-08-29
University of Canterbury
Christchurch; New Zealand

Meeting Type: Conference

Contact: Felipe Voloch


Part of a series of conferences: NTDU

Eurocomb'25 (European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications)

2025-08-25 through 2025-08-29
Budapest; Hungary

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: see conference website



September 2025

Special Year on Arithmetic Geometry, Hodge Theory, and O-minimality

lo.logic ag.algebraic-geometry nt.number-theory
2025-09-01 through 2026-04-30
Institute for Advanced Study
Princeton, NJ; USA

Meeting Type: thematic program

Contact: see conference website


During the 2025-26 academic year the School will have a special program on Arithmetic Geometry, Hodge Theory, and O-minimality. Jacob Tsimerman, University of Toronto will be the Distinguished Visiting Professor.

The purpose of this special year will focus on recent developments in hodge theory and o-minimality and their applications to arithmetic geometry. There has been much progress over the last 15 years in using transcendental uniformization maps to study arithmetic questions (general shafarevich theorems, results on unlikely intersections, general bounds on rational point counts). It has become increasingly clear that hodge theory (both classical and P-adic) and the resulting period maps form a natural home for these kinds of investigations to arise. In the other direction, O-minimality has been applied with success to make progress on questions in Hodge theory (Griffiths conjecture, definable period maps), and has recently had its own explosion of results (sharply O-minimal sets, the resolution of Wilkie's conjecture).

The goal of this year will be to bring together researchers in these different fields, with the aim of extending the collaboration between areas, share key insights, and investigate how far existing methods can be pushed.

Senior participants: Gal Binaymini, Ben Bakker (to be confirmed), Jonathan Pila and Claire Voisin (STV)

Workshop on Singular canonical Kähler metrics on compact and non-compact manifolds

cv.complex-variables dg.differential-geometry
2025-09-01 through 2025-09-05
Renyi Institute
Budapest; United States

Meeting Type: Workshop

Contact: Tamas Darvas


The aim of this workshop is to explore recent advances in Kähler geometry, focusing on non-Archimedean aspects of the Strominger--Yau--Zaslow conjecture, potential-theoretic approaches to singular Kähler-Einstein metrics, geometric estimates for solutions to Complex Monge–Ampère equations, connections with the minimal model program, and Calabi-Yau metrics on non-compact manifolds. Registration to open soon. This event is part of a special semester on Complex Geometry at the Renyi Institute


Enrica Mazzon Yueqiao Wu Ye-Won Luke Cho Jian Song Bin Guo Song Sun Antonio Trusiani Christiano Spotti Chung-Ming Pan Jakob Hultgren Yuchen Liu Vincent Guedj Mihai Paun Charlie Cifarelli Yang Li (TBC) Tristan Collins Annamaria Ortu

[New]XV Annual International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union

ag.algebraic-geometry at.algebraic-topology ca.classical-analysis-and-odes cv.complex-variables dg.differential-geometry fa.functional-analysis gm.general-mathematics gt.geometric-topology it.information-theory lo.logic mp.mathematical-physics na.numerical-analysis nt.number-theory oa.operator-algebras pr.probability st.statistics-theory
2025-09-01 through 2025-09-06
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University
Batumi; Georgia

Meeting Type: Conference

Contact: Tinatin Davitashvili


The Annual International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union was established in 2010 and has been held traditionally at Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University. Batumi is the city of Georgia and the capital of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara. It is located along the coast of the Black Sea in the southwest region of Georgia. In accordance with recent developments, the conference has been conducted in a hybrid format since 2021.

The purpose of the conference is to bring together mathematicians from various fields to present their original research results and provide opportunities to establish new connections within the fields of pure and applied mathematics, as well as science, engineering, and technology. The conference also provides valuable networking opportunities for you to meet great personnel in these fields.

12th PhD Summer School in Discrete Mathematics

2025-09-07 through 2025-09-13
University of Primorska
Koper; Slovenia

Meeting Type: school

Contact: see conference website



Geometric and Analytic Number Theory

2025-09-08 through 2025-09-12
University of Bath
Bath; United Kingdom

Meeting Type:

Contact: Elyes Boughattas, Julian Demeio, Daniel Loughran, H. Uppal


The Geometric and Analytic Number Theory conference will bring together world leading researchers to present talks on the latest advancements in the fields of geometric and analytic number theory with a view towards rational points on varieties and counting number fields. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with pioneering work and connect with peers from around the world, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange within the number theory community.

Workshop on Cohomological and metric aspects of Hermitian and almost complex manifolds

cv.complex-variables dg.differential-geometry
2025-09-08 through 2025-09-12
Renyi Institute
Budapest; United States

Meeting Type: Workshop

Contact: Tamas Darvas


The goal of this workshop is to bring together both senior and junior specialists in the fields of almost complex and non-Kähler geometry to present their latest achievements in research. Key topics will include cohomological properties of complex and symplectic manifolds, analytical techniques in non-Kähler geometry, special structures on complex manifolds, deformations of complex objects, topological aspects of complex and symplectic manifolds, and Hodge theory on almost Hermitian manifolds. Registration to open soon. This is event is part of a special semester on complex geometry at the Renyi Institute.


Yakov Eliashberg (TBC) Richard Hind Tom Holt Uros Kuzman Lorenzo Sillary Nicoletta Tardini Scott Wilson Weiyi Zhang Daniele Angella Gueo Grantcharov Nicolina Istrati Slawomir Kolodziej Alexandra Otiman Tat Dat To Valentino Tosatti Misha Verbitsky Vestislav Apostolov Gil Cavalcanti

Arithmetic and Diophantine Geometry, via Ergodic Theory and o-minimality (in honor of Emmanuel Ullmo's 60th birthday)

ag.algebraic-geometry nt.number-theory
2025-09-08 through 2025-09-12
Bures-sur-Yvette (Paris suburb); France

Meeting Type:

Contact: see conference website



[New]Algebraic and geometric methods for Diophantine problems

2025-09-09 through 2025-09-12
University of Pisa
Pisa; Italy

Meeting Type:

Contact: Laura Capuano


This is the final meeting of the PRIN2022 project: Semiabelian varieties, Galois representations and related Diophantine problems

[New]Motives, L-values and Eisenstein series - on the occasion of Guido Kings' 60th birthday

ag.algebraic-geometry nt.number-theory
2025-09-22 through 2025-09-26
University of Regensburg
Regensburg; Germany

Meeting Type: Conference

Contact: see conference website


For more information, please consult the conference web page:

3rd IMA Conference on Mathematics of Robotics

2025-09-24 through 2025-09-26
Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
Manchester; United Kingdom

Meeting Type: In Person Conference

Contact: Pamela Bye


The 3rd IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Robotics aims to bring together researchers working on all areas of robotics which have a significant mathematical content. The idea is to highlight the mathematical depth and sophistication of techniques applicable to Robotics and to foster cooperation between researchers working in different areas of Robotics. This Conference has been organised in cooperation with the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).

Areas of interest include but are not limited to: Topology. Kinematics. Algebraic topology of configuration spaces of robot mechanisms. Topological aspects of path planning and sensor networks. Differential topology and singularity theory of robot mechanism and moduli spaces. • Algebraic Geometry. Varieties generated by linkages and constraints. Geometry of stiffness and inertia matrices. Rigid-body motions. Computational approaches to algebraic geometry. • Dynamical Systems and Control. Dynamics of robots and mechanisms. Simulation of multi-body systems, e.g. swarm robots. Geometric control of robots. Optimal control, soft robotics and other optimisation problems. • Combinatorial and Stochastic Methods. Rigidity of structures. Path planning algorithms. Modular robots. • Statistics. Stochastic control. Localisation. Navigation with uncertainty. Statistical learning theory. • Cognitive Robotics. Mathematical aspects of Artificial Intelligence, Developmental Robotics and other Neuroscience based approaches.

Invited Speakers Martin Pfurner, University Innsbruck, Austria Carme Torras Genís, Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial (IRI) at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) Ileana Streinu, Smith College

Summer school on formulas of Siegel and Weil

2025-09-29 through 2025-10-02
Bielefeld University
Bielefeld; Germany

Meeting Type:

Contact: Claudia Alfes, Ana Botero



October 2025

[New]Combinatorial Geometries and Geometric Combinatorics 2025

2025-10-01 through 2025-11-28
Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM)
Barcelona; Spain

Meeting Type: school, conference

Contact: see conference website



Computational Problems about 3-Manifolds, Associated Groups, and Varieties

2025-10-04 through 2025-10-05
Rutgers University, Newark
Newark, NJ; United States

Meeting Type:

Contact: David Futer, Ying Hu, Kathleen Petersen, Anastasiia Tsvietkova


The workshop focuses on the interplay between 3-manifold topology and geometry, the study of 3-manifold groups, and character and representation varieties, with connections to computational topology and theoretical computer science. Related topics are also welcome! This two-day event will feature introductory lectures, in-depth research talks, lightning talks, and dedicated discussion sessions. Our goal is to foster a stimulating environment by bringing together participants at various career stages, along with many local researchers.

December 2025

47th Australasian Combinatorics Conference

2025-12-01 through 2025-12-05
Victoria University of Wellington
Wellington; New Zealand

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: see conference website



March 2026

Universal Statistics in Number Theory

2026-03-02 through 2026-06-26
Centre de Recherches Mathématiques
Montreal, QC; Canada

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: see conference website



July 2026

Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium ANTS-XVII

ag.algebraic-geometry nt.number-theory
2026-07-06 through 2026-07-10
Groningen; Netherlands

Meeting Type:

Contact: see conference website


The Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium (ANTS) is the premier international forum for the presentation of new research in computational number theory and its applications, devoted to algorithmic aspects of number theory and related fields, including elementary number theory, algebraic number theory, analytic number theory, the geometry of numbers, arithmetic geometry, finite fields, cryptography, and coding theory.

Conference on Euler systems

2026-07-13 through 2026-07-18
Nisyros; Greece

Meeting Type:

Contact: Giada Grossi, Yiannis Sakellaridis, Romyar Sharifi, Sarah Zerbes



[New]Curves, Abelian VArieties and RElated Topics

ag.algebraic-geometry nt.number-theory
2026-07-13 through 2026-07-17
Universitat de Barcelona
Barcelona, Catalonia; Spain

Meeting Type: Conference

Contact: See conference website


See conference website

International Congress of Mathematicians

2026-07-23 through 2026-07-30
Philadelphia, PA; USA

Meeting Type: international congress

Contact: see conference website



August 2026

Gross-Zagier formula 40+ years later

ag.algebraic-geometry nt.number-theory rt.representation-theory
2026-08-03 through 2026-08-07
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge MA; United States

Meeting Type: Research conference

Contact: Ben Howard, Yiannis Sakellaridis, Zhiwei Yun, Wei Zhang


On the occasion of 40+ years after the seminar paper of Gross--Zagier, we bring together experts to deliver lectures on a broad range of topics connected with the Gross-Zagier formula, its generalizations, related future directions, and other works that it has inspired.

September 2026

Computations on K3 Surfaces and Related Varieties

ag.algebraic-geometry nt.number-theory
2026-09-09 through 2026-12-11
Providence, RI; United States

Meeting Type: thematic research program

Contact: see conference website

