Summer school: Invitation to complex geometry

cv.complex-variables dg.differential-geometry
Start Date
End Date
Renyi Institute
Meeting Type
Summer School
Contact Name
10/16/24, 7:15 PM
10/16/24, 7:15 PM


During this one week summer school, Eleonora di Nezza (Paris, Sorbonne) and Siarhei Finski (Paris, CNRS) will give introductory talks on Kahler geometry to a group of non-experts, primarily composed of students and postdocs. Registration to open soon. The event is part of a special semester on complex geometry at the Renyi Insitute.

Eleonora Di Nezza: Pluripotential theory and L∞ estimates for complex Monge-Ampère equations

Abstract: In these lectures, we introduce and explore fundamental concepts in pluripotential theory, which are essential for studying (degenerate) complex Monge-Ampère equations on Kähler manifolds. We then shift our focus to a novel approach for obtaining L∞ a priori estimates for these equations. This method, which has a "local" character and relies solely on the use of envelopes, was recently developed by Guedj and Lu.

Siarhei Finski: Asymptotic study of submultiplicative filtrations

Abstract: It has long been recognized that the study of manifold degenerations plays a crucial role in addressing many questions in geometry, including the search for canonical metrics. Some degenerations can be understood on the algebraic level through the so-called submultiplicative filtrations, which are certain filtrations on rings respecting the algebraic structure. The most basic example is the filtration on the space of homogeneous polynomials given by the order of vanishing along a subvariety in the projective space.

This course is about the geometric quantization approach to these filtrations, which effectively establishes several results at the crossroads of algebraic and differential geometry. We discuss some applications towards the search of canonical metrics and cover the necessary preliminaries including the Ohsawa-Takegoshi extension theorem, Bergman kernels, and the theory of graded normed algebras.


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