
MathMeetings.net provides a list of conferences and similar meetings in mathematics. There are a number of other such lists, but this list aims to be more complete by allowing anyone at all to add announcements. This is similar in spirit to a wiki, but the underlying software is focused on efficient storing, searching, and sorting of conference announcements.

Announcements are filtered by subject tags, and are curated by the volunteers listed below. Note: This site restricts itself to meetings whose focus is mathematics. Announcements about more general meetings are typically not appropriate and may be deleted.

The site is developed by Niles Johnson with significant technical help and hosting by Seth Johnson of Cody Technical Services. It began as a list for conferences in topology, but with the addition of subject tags we hope that it will be useful more generally. Please contact Niles if you have further quesitons or comments!

Adding Announcements

To add an announcement, use the link at the top of the page. An email address is required so that announcements you post can be edited or deleted. To prevent abuse, a security token is stored as a browser cookie.

When you add an announcement, you will receive a message like the following:

Thanks for adding your announcement to MathMeetings.net.
The announcement data is copied below, and is also available at:

If you need to edit or delete your announcement, use the unique edit/delete link:

If you have any difficulties, questions, or comments, don't hesitate
to contact the curators:

The Curators

Announcement Data:

My Interesting Conference!
2016-04-01 -- 2016-04-01


Contact: Niles Johnson
Institution: The Ohio State University
City: Columbus, OH
Country: USA
Meeting type: conference
Subject Tags:
  * at.algebraic-topology
  * ag.algebraic-geometry

This conference is going to be great!  See the website for more details.

If you need to update your announcement, use the links provided to access the edit or delete pages. Each announcement is assigned a random string which is required to edit or delete; this appears at the end of the links above and is generated when the announcement is created.

Subject Tags

With subject tags, we can include announcements from a broader range of fields while still allowing users to focus the conferences relevant for their field. When the tagging feature was first implemented, all announcements were tagged as 'at.algebraic-topology'. Future announcements are assigned a subject upon entry into the database. The subject tags are the arXiv.org math categories.

The link to update tags on the home page is generated automatically by javascript. If you prefer not to use javascript, you can easily create the appropriate URL by hand. Simply use the 2-letter codes for each subject, separated by dashes. For example, to choose at.algebraic-topology and ct.category-theory, use the following URL:


Note: Multiple tags are combined with an OR condition, meaning that you will see announcements that are tagged with any of the tags you select. For now, it does not seem useful to introduce more complex search logic.

JSON and XML interfaces

JSON and XML are two structured data formats which can be easily parsed by third-party software. These interfaces are accessed by adding the extension '.json' or '.xml' after your subject tags. For example: at-gt.json or ag-nt.xml. For the full list of announcements in all subject areas, use index.json or index.xml.

You can use these, for instance, to set up an alternate front for the announements on this site. A crude demo can be found here. Contact Niles if you are interested in additional features.

Here is a list of known alternative fronts. Let us know if you maintain one that you would like added to the list!

RSS feeds

Each list of announcements has a corresponding rss feed. For the main list, the feed is at index.rss. For a subject list, use a tag string such as at-gt.rss.

Calendar Links

Links are provided to automatically import data from each conference announcement into calendaring software. We have a direct link for Google Calendar, and an iCalendar (.ics) formatted file for importing into other software.


The people listed here have volunteered to help curate this site. They help keep the list up-to-date by adding new announcements, if the organizers haven't done so themselves. They receive a copy of the edit/delete keys for each announcement, and can help if you have any trouble posting or updating your announcements.

If you would like to volunteer, please let Niles know!

Arithmetic Geometry


A very rudimentary search form is now available at conferences/search. Currently the search only performs simple date comparison and basic string matching in certain fields. Please let Niles know if you have any requests for additional functionality.

Countries List

The list of countries provided when adding new announcements is from the World countries database, licensed under the Open Database License 1.0. The canonical names for our database are English spellings, but the entry box accepts a wide range of alternatives from the "altSpellings" field.

Source Code

This list application was built with the CakePHP framework. The source code is licensed under GPL v3, and is hosted in a git repository on GitHub: conference-list.

Want to contribute!? Browse the source, have a look at the open issues, and clone a working copy of the code. Contact Niles if you have further questions!