p-adic cohomology, p-adic families of modular forms, and p-adic L-functions

ag.algebraic-geometry nt.number-theory
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Centre de recherches mathématiques 
Montreal, QC 
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The workshop will be devoted to the varied and fruitful interactions between p-adic cohomology theories, the theory of p-adic deformations of modular forms and Galois representations, and the construction of p-adic L-functions arising from the latter using techniques drawn from the former, with special emphasis on their rich array of arithmetic applications.

The field of p-adic automorphic forms has seen a huge development in the last decades with the construction of p-adic families in many new context. Among this one can cite Hansen's construction of eigenvarieties using overconvergent cohomology, and the coherent approach using (partial) Igusa towers of Andreatta–Iovita–Pilloni. There have been immediate applications to the construction of p-adic L-functions in families and to the proof of several instances of the conjectures by Greenberg and Benois on trivial zeroes, such as the work of Barrera–Dimitrov–Jorza.

But the existence of these eigenvarieties have proved to be useful also for the study of many other interesting arithmetic problems.

The first example is given by the applications to the Bloch–Kato conjecture. Bloch and Kato conjectured that the most interesting arithmetic information concerning varieties (and more generally, geometric Galois representations) are contained in two objects: the Selmer group and the L-function. They also conjecture that all the information coming from the Selmer group can be recovered from the L-function. Some special cases of this conjecture have been proven: we cite for example the work of Bellaiche–Chenevier for unitary groups and Skinner–Urban for elliptic curves in rank less or equal than 2. The key ingredients in these works is the use of deformations of automorphic forms and their Galois representations in p-adic families to construction elements in the Selmer group.

Another example is the study of local properties of Galois representations and the corresponding p-adic Hodge theory. We cite the work of Kedlaya, Pottharst, and Xiao concerning the existence of triangulations in families for p-adic representations of p-adic fields arising from finite slope automorphic forms. Other related results are the works on the smoothness of eigenvarieties at critical points by Bergdall and Breuil–Hellmann–Schraen; it has implication on the existence of companion forms, which are different p-adic automorphic forms sharing the same Galois representations (such as a CM form and its Serre antiderivative).

Very recently two new geometric approaches have been developed in the study of p-adic families and their L-functions.

Andreatta and Iovita introduced the idea of vector bundles with marked sections, which not only allows one to recover their previous constructions of eigenvarieties but let them p-adic interpolate in families the de Rham cohomology of the modular curve and the Gauss–Manin connection. They can then construct triple product p-adic L-functions for finite slope families and anticyclotomic p-adic L-functions when p is inert in the CM field.

At the same time, the introduction of perfectoid spaces and adic geometric has brought new and fresh ideas in the field: one can cite the new construction of classical eigenvarieties by Chojecki–Hansen–Johansson using functions on the perfectoid tower of modular curves and the construction by Kriz of a new p-adic Maass–Shimura operator and anticyclotomic p-adic L-functions in the inert case. His strategy relies on Scholze's Hodge to de Rham comparison isomorphism, which has been recently upgraded to an integral comparison map by Bhatt–Morrow–Scholze.

These new geometric tools have already allowed the construction of new p-adic L-functions; the aim of the workshop is to bring together arithmetic people with the experts in these two innovative approaches to find new exciting applications, both to global (Galois representations and their L-functions) and local (integral p-adic Hodge theory) problems.


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