
ac.commutative-algebra ag.algebraic-geometry nt.number-theory
Start Date
End Date
Fields Institute 
Toronto, ON 
Meeting Type
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Spec(Q¯¯¯¯) is the first conference to celebrate and promote research advances of LGBT2Q mathematicians specialising in algebraic geometry, arithmetic geometry, commutative algebra, and number theory. This conference capitalises on recent thematic program successes in algebraic geometry at Fields, the Thematic Program on Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry (July 1 - December 31, 2016) and the Thematic Program on Homological Algebra of Mirror Symmetry (July 1 - December 31, 2019). Spec(Q¯¯¯¯) will create an empowering and engaging environment which provides LGBT2Q visibility in algebraic geometry, will support junior LGBT2Q academics, and will crystallise new collaborative networks for participants. Algebraic geometry, classically, is the study of the geometry of solutions of polynomial equations; through modern advances it has become an intersectional mathematical field, drawing from various aspects of algebra, number theory, geometry, combinatorics and even mathematical physics. This conference aims to highlight strong mathematical research in a wide array of algebraic geometry, broadly defined. The conference will feature some plenary talks by world-leading researchers from a range of areas of algebraic geometry. To facilitate new connections across the various threads of algebraic geometry, plenary talks at Spec(Q¯¯¯¯) will be aimed a general algebro-geometric audience.

This activity will bring together mathematicians spanning all academic ranks to create ideal networking and mentorship for LGBT2Q academics while disseminating key achievements of trans and queer algebraic geometers. Queer and trans academics often have a diffcult experience developing key collaborations and networks of trusted colleagues. Each research connection, grant, and application involves a conscious decision of how much of one’s queer/trans identity to disclose. This conference provides a safe space to develop ones network while removing these barriers. In such spaces, one can discuss mathematics with new colleagues while unbridled with many societal challenges that they face in mathematical communities. When a mathematician feels free to be themselves in all ways, they are able to immerse themselves in creative mathematical thought.


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