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Welcome to! This is a list for research mathematics conferences, workshops, summer schools, etc. Anyone at all is welcome to add announcements.
Know of a meeting not listed here? Add it now!
Updates 2024-09
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Upcoming Meetings
January 2025
Motives and mapping class groups
Meeting Type: conference
Contact: see conference website
March 2025
StolzFest: A Midwest Topology Meeting
Meeting Type: Midwest Topology Seminar
Contact: Mark Behrens, Ryan Grady, Christopher Schommer-Pries
Preliminary announcement: StolzFest - a midwest topology seminar being organized by myself, Ryan Grady, and Chris Schommer-Pries honoring Stephan Stolz on the occasion of his retirement.
A list of speakers, as well as information on how to register and apply for support, will be forthcoming!
Mid-Atlantic Topology Conference 2025
Meeting Type: conference
Contact: William Balderrama, Prasit Bhattacharya, Rebecca Field, J.D. Quigley
[New]Groups and Geometry in Budapest
Meeting Type: School and Workshop
Contact: see conference website
The school and workshop will be devoted to the most diverse aspects of group theory and geometry in their broadest sense (including algebraic geometry and neighboring fields).
1) The conference "Groups and geometry" between April 6-11, 2025.
Nir Avni, Gregorio Baldi, Mladen Bestvina, Emmanuel Breuillard, Serge Cantat, Thomas Delzant, Philippe Eyssidieux, Damien Gaboriau, Tsachik Gelander, Thomas Koberda, Julien Marché, Sam Mellick, Beatrice Pozzetti, Andrew Putman, Pierre Py, Nick Salter, Alex Suciu, Slobodan Tanusevski, Tianyi Zheng.
2) The school "Groups and geometry" between March 31 and April 5, 2025.
The school will feature four series of lectures by Andrew Putman, Pierre Py, Michael Chapman and Jean Rainbault. The main target audience for the school preceeding the conference are PhD students and postdocs.
Both events are organized at the Erdős Center affiliated with the Rényi Institute of Mathematics and will take place in the main hall of the Rényi Institute in the heart of Budapest.
The school and the conference are supported by the ERC Advanced Grants of Gavril Farkas and Bruno Klingler. For the school support for young participants is available and the application procedure is described on the website above.
The deadline for registration is February 15th.
With our best regards,
Miklós Abért, Gavril Farkas, Bruno Klingler.
April 2025
Graduate Student Topology and Geometry Conference 2025
Meeting Type: Conference
Contact: J.F. Davis, A. Lindenstrauss, R. Bilas, P. Chan, A. Gopal, A. Paul, D. Sconce
Calling all topologists and geometers!
We, the Topologically Allied Conference Organizers of IU Bloomington (TACOs, for short), are pleased to announce that the 2025 meeting of the Graduate Student Topology and Geometry Conference will be held at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana! This is the 22nd meeting of GSTGC, and it will be held from Friday, April 11 to Sunday, April 13. If you are unfamiliar, GSTGC is a conference designed by and for graduate students who are interested in topology and geometry. The conference will bring over 120 graduate students from all around the country to Bloomington, and no matter what your interests are, there will surely be both a talk that you’ll find interesting and someone else who shares those interests! There is also an opportunity for graduate students to give talks, either expositional or research (see the registration for details). If you have questions feel free to email us at [email protected]. You can find the conference website here:
Registration for the conference is now open, with a deadline of January 15, 2025. You can register at:
Our plenary speakers are:
- Sarah Koch (University of Michigan)
- Mark Powell (University of Glasgow)
- Inna Zakharevich (Cornell University)
In addition to our plenary speakers, we are also excited to announce the following 6 early-career speakers:
- Agustina Czenky (University of Southern California)
- Beibei Liu (Ohio State University)
- Anibal M. Medina-Maradones (University of Western Ontario)
- Maggie Miller (The University of Texas at Austin)
- Carmen Rovi (Loyola University Chicago)
- Roberta Shapiro (University of Michigan)
Combined, these nine speakers’ research areas cover a wide sweep of mathematics, including: topology of 4-manifolds, Bers-Teichmüller theory, scissor congruence, hyperbolic geometry, hyperbolic manifolds, topological quantum field theories, Kleinian groups, limit sets, links in 3-manifolds, applied and computational topology, homotopy theory, surgery theory, K- and L- theory, manifold theory, quantum algebra, Heegaard Floer homology, geometric group theory, and mapping class groups. There will also be at least 28 short graduate student talks to round out the weekend.
We hope to see you in Bloomington!
May 2025
[New]2025 Talbot Workshop
Meeting Type:
Contact: Maxine Calle, Alex Karapetyan, Eunice Sukarto
Hello everyone,
We are delighted to announce the Talbot Workshop 2025, mentored by Alexander Kupers and Nathalie Wahl! Please see below for the details of the workshop and a link to the application.
Please share this message with anyone you think would benefit from attending.
Best regards, The Talbot Workshop organizers (Maxine Calle, Alex Karapetyan, and Eunice Sukarto)
2025 Talbot Workshop: Homological Stability Mentored by: Alexander Kupers and Nathalie Wahl Dates: May 26 - June 1, 2025 Location: TBA, but somewhere in the US
Application link: Application deadline: Feb 2, 2025 More details can be found on the website:
What: The Talbot Workshop is a one week learning workshop for roughly 35 graduate students and a few postdocs. Most of the talks will be given by participants, and will be expository in nature.
Topic description: Many groups and spaces come in families depending on a parameter: configuration spaces depend on the number of points considered, mapping class groups of surfaces on the genus of the surface. For such families, it often happens that the homology stabilizes as this parameter goes to infinity. Moreover, computing the stable homology frequently turns out to be easier because other tools can be used. In recent years, combining homological stability results with stable computations has become a powerful tool in algebraic topology and robust machinery for proving homological stability theorems has been developed. In this workshop we aim to introduce the participants to this circle of ideas.
Outline: This workshop will explain how to prove homological stability results through examples, such as symmetric groups, configuration spaces, mapping class groups, and others, and how to use them in conjunction with stable computations. The homological stability machines that we will cover are Quillen’s classical inductive approach and a more recent approach using Ek-algebras. Both machines have as input connectivity results for simplicial complexes and we will also see how such results are proved.
Background: The workshop will be aimed towards graduate students with a basic understanding of algebraic topology, including spectral sequences and classifying spaces.
Talbot is meant to encourage collaboration among young researchers, with an emphasis on graduate students. We also aim to gather participants with a diverse array of knowledge and interests, so applicants need not be an expert in the field -- in particular, students at all levels of graduate education are encouraged to apply. As we are committed to promoting diversity in mathematics, we especially encourage women, minorities, and underrepresented groups in mathematics to apply.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email the organizers at talbotworkshop (at) gmail (dot) com.
June 2025
Summer School on Modern Tools in Low-Dimensional Topology
Meeting Type:
Contact: Ciprian Manolescu
The summer school is aimed at graduate students in low-dimensional topology. The goal is to make students familiar with the novel techniques in the field that have led to recent advances in our understanding of four-dimensional manifolds.
The program will consist of four mini-courses of 5 lectures each, all accompanied by discussion sessions:
- Skein lasagna modules (by Mike Willis and Melissa Zhang)
- Real Seiberg-Witten theory (by Hokuto Konno and Ian Montague)
- Kontsevich invariants from configuration spaces (by Jianfeng Lin and Danica Kosanovic)
- Lefschetz fibrations and closed exotic 4-manifolds (by Andras Stipsicz and Zoltan Szabo)
Graduate student workshop on discrete groups in topology and algebraic geometry
Meeting Type: graduate student workshop
Contact: Aaron Landesman
This is a graduate student workshop on discrete groups in topology and algebraic geometry. This includes topics like fundamental groups of varieties and mapping class groups. This is the second week of a three week long thematic program. The conference the following week may also be of interest to graduate students.
Quasiweekend III
Meeting Type: Conference
Contact: Nageswari Shanmugalingam, Pekka Pankka, Kirsi Peltonen, Sylvester Eriksson-Bique, Mari Snipes
Conference Quasiweekend III - Twenty years on collects together experts, from all fields of mathematics, using quasiconformal methods, especially in complex dynamics, geometric function theory, geometric group theory, analysis on metric spaces. Previous conferences in this series, Quasiweekend and Quasiweekend II – Ten years after, took place in 2005 and 2015, respectively, in Helsinki. With Quasiweekend III we celebrate mathematical legacy of Juha Heinonen -- initiator of this conference series -- in the broad field of quasiconformal analysis.
Conference on Modern Developments in Low-Dimensional Topology
Meeting Type:
Contact: Ciprian Manolescu
The conference will consist of several research talks on topics of current interest in low dimensional topology, including four-manifolds, knot invariants, categorification, gauge theory, and connections to physics.
Confirmed conference speakers: Mina Aganagić, UC Berkeley Aleksei Andreev, U. Zurich William Ballinger, Harvard Inanc Baykur, U Mass Amherst Valentina Bias, SISSA Trieste Eugene Gorsky, UC Davis Matthew Hogancamp, Northeastern Sungkyung Kang, Oxford Marc Lackenby, Oxford Jiakai Li, Harvard Cristina Palmer-Anghel, U. Leeds Qianhe Qin, Stanford Qiuyu Ren, UC Berkeley Alexander Schmidhuber, MIT Masaki Taniguchi, Kyoto University Laura Wakelin, King's College Paul Wedrich, U. Hamburg
Discrete Groups in Topology and Algebraic Geometry
Meeting Type: conference
Contact: Aaron Landesman
This is a conference on discrete groups in topology and algebraic geometry, which includes topics like fundamental groups of varieties and mapping class groups. This is the third week of a thematic program on the topic.
October 2025
[New]Computational Problems about 3-Manifolds, Associated Groups, and Varieties
Meeting Type:
Contact: David Futer, Ying Hu, Kathleen Petersen, Anastasiia Tsvietkova
The workshop focuses on the interplay between 3-manifold topology and geometry, the study of 3-manifold groups, and character and representation varieties, with connections to computational topology and theoretical computer science. Related topics are also welcome! This two-day event will feature introductory lectures, in-depth research talks, lightning talks, and dedicated discussion sessions. Our goal is to foster a stimulating environment by bringing together participants at various career stages, along with many local researchers.