Welcome to MathMeetings.net! This is a list for research mathematics conferences, workshops, summer schools, etc. Anyone at all is welcome to add announcements.

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July 2024

PCMI 2024 Research Topic: Motivic Homotopy

ag.algebraic-geometry at.algebraic-topology kt.k-theory-and-homology
2024-07-07 through 2024-07-27
Institute for Advanced Study/Parc City Mathematics Institute
Park City, Utah; USA

Meeting Type: meeting with several components

Contact: Oliver Röndigs


The IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute is a three-week residential summer session with a graduate summer school, a research program, an undergraduate summer school, and an undergraduate faculty program. More information can be found on the conference website. PCMI encourages applications from all those with interest in the program, both from the US and internationally. This year it is organized by Benjamin Antieau (Northwestern University), Marc Levine (Universität Duisburg-Essen), Oliver Röndigs (Universität Osnabrück), Alexander Vishik (University of Nottingham), and Kirsten Wickelgren (Duke University).


at.algebraic-topology gt.geometric-topology
2024-07-21 through 2024-07-27
Oberwolfach; Germany

Meeting Type: workshop

Contact: Mark Behrens, Ruth Charney, Oscar Randal-Williams, Andras Stipsicz


See conference website

International Conference on Topology and its Applications

at.algebraic-topology ds.dynamical-systems gn.general-topology gt.geometric-topology
2024-07-28 through 2024-08-01
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Institute of Mathemaics
Ohrid; Macedonia

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: Nikita Shekutkovski, Beti Andonovikj,Tatjana Atanasova Pachemska, Zoran Misajleski


Topology and its Applications, 28.07-1.08 2024, Ohrid, N. Macedonia

The first conference of the series of ICTA conferences was organized in 2000 in Ohrid. In the new millennium, several ICTA conferences were organized at different locations. This year, the conference ICTA2024 will be organized in Ohrid. The conference venue is Congress Center in Ohrid, of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University.

Main Topics: Homotopy and Shape, Topology Dynamics, General Topology, Digital Topology, Graph Theory.

August 2024

Young Topologists Meeting 2024

ag.algebraic-geometry at.algebraic-topology ct.category-theory gn.general-topology gt.geometric-topology kt.k-theory-and-homology
2024-08-05 through 2024-08-09
University of Münster
Münster; Germany

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: Konrad Bals


The Young Topologists Meeting is an annual international conference aimed at early-career researchers in topology - both pure and applied - covering the whole breadth of the subject. It serves as a platform for graduate, PhD students, and early postdocs to present their research, exchange ideas, and build international connections.

Previous editions of the conference have been organized by the EPFL, Switzerland, the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, and jointly by the University of Stockholm and the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Next up: Münster, Germany.

Motivic homotopy, K-theory, and Modular Representations

ag.algebraic-geometry at.algebraic-topology rt.representation-theory
2024-08-09 through 2024-08-11
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA; USA

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: Aravind Asok, Christopher Bendel, Christian Haesemeyer, Julia Pevtsova, Paul Sobaje, Jared Warner


A celebration of the mathematics of Eric Friedlander on the occasion of his 80th birthday

2024 Talbot Workshop

at.algebraic-topology kt.k-theory-and-homology
2024-08-11 through 2024-08-17
Nacogdoches, TX; USA

Meeting Type: summer school

Contact: see conference website


The Talbot Workshop is an annual mathematical retreat for early career participants — primarily graduate students — to become acquainted with current research in algebraic topology and related fields. The 2024 Talbot Workshop is titled "Topological Cyclic Homology of Ring Spectra" and will be mentored by Jeremy Hahn (MIT) and Allen Yuan (Northwestern/IAS).

Topological cyclic homology is a rapidly developing subject sitting between homotopy theory and (via the work of Bhatt–Morrow–Scholze) p-adic arithmetic geometry. There are now many excellent introductions to topological cyclic homology that focus on discrete commutative rings and spherical group rings. We aim to give a computationally focused introduction to the topological cyclic homology of finite height ring spectra. The topic is also closely connected to (MU-based) synthetic spectra, and may help familiarize students with their use in computations.

The workshop will proceed by discussing THH and its concomitant structures: the motivic filtration, the circle action, and the Frobenius map. We will follow the discussion of each structure with computations in the examples of THH(Fp), THH(Z), and THH(ku), with the ultimate goal of understanding syntomic cohomology and Lichtenbaum–Quillen theorems. Time permitting, we will conclude with connections to the algebraic K-theory of ring spectra, chromatic redshift, the telescope conjecture, and prismatization.

Topology of moduli spaces

at.algebraic-topology gt.geometric-topology
2024-08-19 through 2024-08-23
Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology
Copenhagen; Denmark

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: Oscar Randal-Williams


This is a conference in honour of Ulrike Tillmann's 60th birthday. While celebrating Ulrike's work in, and influence on, the topology of moduli spaces, the event will be a research conference, focused on the latest developments in this subject.

AGACSE 2024 (Applied Geometric Algebras in Computer Science and Engineering)

gt.geometric-topology mg.metric-geometry
2024-08-26 through 2024-08-29
University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam; Netherlands

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: Leo Dorst, Joan Lasenby


The 9th installment of AGACSE (Applied Geometric Algebras in Computer Science and Engineering) will take place August 26-29 in Amsterdam.

The field of Geometric/Clifford Algebras has seen a recent surge in applied interest, as witnessed on https://bivector.net, its accompanying discord server, and other forums. The unifying nature of the GA framework is prompting company-wide software approaches to geometrical, mechanical and EM solutions. The novel PGA (the GA of 3D Euclidean geometry) has simplified the classical data structures from computer graphics to classical mechanics simulators. And the very recent applications within Geometrically Equivariant Networks have immediately produced successes that draw in new researchers and practitioners, with new software platforms and tutorials appearing monthly.

The AGACSE conference aims to showcase successful examples of such applications from industry, and discuss the new developments now brewing in research labs. We expect a fruitful interaction between practice and theory, in which novel insights inform implementations, and new target domains raise interesting new structural questions.

You may find the conference website here: https://staff.science.uva.nl/l.dorst/AGACSE2024/index.html.

The first important deadline is the submission of a 4-6 page abstract by February 29, 2024.

We hope to see you in Amsterdam in August 2024!

dr ir Leo Dorst, University of Amsterdam prof dr Joan Lasenby, University of Cambridge

September 2024

XIV Annual International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union

ag.algebraic-geometry co.combinatorics cv.complex-variables fa.functional-analysis gm.general-mathematics gn.general-topology gt.geometric-topology ho.history-and-overview lo.logic mp.mathematical-physics na.numerical-analysis nt.number-theory pr.probability
2024-09-02 through 2024-09-07
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University
Batumi, Georgia; Georgia

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: Tinatin Davitashvili


The purpose of the Annual International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union is to bring together mathematicians from various fields to present their original research results and provide opportunities to establish new connections within the fields of pure and applied mathematics, as well as science, engineering, and technology. The conference also provides valuable networking opportunities for you to meet great personnel in these fields. Sections: • Algebra and Number Theory • Differential and Integral Equations, and Their Applications • Geometry and Topology • Logic, Language, Artificial Intelligence • Mathematical Education and History • Mathematical Logic and Discrete Mathematics • Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis • Mathematical Physics • Probability Theory and Statistics, Financial Mathematics • Real and Complex Analysis

October 2024

Tropical Geometry: Moduli spaces and matroids

co.combinatorics ag.algebraic-geometry gt.geometric-topology
2024-10-07 through 2024-10-11
Goethe University Frankfurt
Frankfurt am Main; Germany

Meeting Type: Workshop

Contact: Andreas Gross, Hannah Markwig, Martin Ulirsch



December 2024

Foliations and Diffeomorphism Groups

at.algebraic-topology dg.differential-geometry ds.dynamical-systems gr.group-theory gt.geometric-topology
2024-12-09 through 2024-12-13
Center International Recountre Mathematice (CIRM)
Luminy, Mareseille ; France

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: Mehdi Yazdi


The goal of the conference is to bring together international experts and young researchers working in foliations theory, diffeomorphism groups, 3-manifold topology, bounded cohomology, and 1-dimensional dynamics to share their insights and expertise and to foster collaborations that will lead to progress on important problems in both areas. Furthermore, to navigate the impact of the recent advances in each of these areas on the others, there will be minicourses to introduce young researchers to some of the major recent advances in these areas and there will be problem sessions and informal learning groups to come up with new problems within the scope of current techniques and long term projects between the subfields.

January 2025

Motives and mapping class groups

ag.algebraic-geometry gt.geometric-topology nt.number-theory
2025-01-27 through 2025-01-31
Pasadena, CA; USA

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: see conference website

