Welcome to MathMeetings.net! This is a list for research mathematics conferences, workshops, summer schools, etc. Anyone at all is welcome to add announcements.

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Upcoming Meetings


September 2024

XIV Annual International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union

ag.algebraic-geometry co.combinatorics cv.complex-variables fa.functional-analysis gm.general-mathematics gn.general-topology gt.geometric-topology ho.history-and-overview lo.logic mp.mathematical-physics na.numerical-analysis nt.number-theory pr.probability
2024-09-02 through 2024-09-07
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University
Batumi, Georgia; Georgia

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: Tinatin Davitashvili


The purpose of the Annual International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union is to bring together mathematicians from various fields to present their original research results and provide opportunities to establish new connections within the fields of pure and applied mathematics, as well as science, engineering, and technology. The conference also provides valuable networking opportunities for you to meet great personnel in these fields. Sections: • Algebra and Number Theory • Differential and Integral Equations, and Their Applications • Geometry and Topology • Logic, Language, Artificial Intelligence • Mathematical Education and History • Mathematical Logic and Discrete Mathematics • Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis • Mathematical Physics • Probability Theory and Statistics, Financial Mathematics • Real and Complex Analysis

October 2024

Tropical Geometry: Moduli spaces and matroids

co.combinatorics ag.algebraic-geometry gt.geometric-topology
2024-10-07 through 2024-10-11
Goethe University Frankfurt
Frankfurt am Main; Germany

Meeting Type: Workshop

Contact: Andreas Gross, Hannah Markwig, Martin Ulirsch



Binghamton University Graduate Combinatorics, Algebra, and Topology Conference (BUGCAT), 2024

ac.commutative-algebra ag.algebraic-geometry at.algebraic-topology co.combinatorics ct.category-theory gm.general-mathematics gn.general-topology gr.group-theory gt.geometric-topology kt.k-theory-and-homology
2024-10-26 through 2024-10-27
SUNY Binghamton
Binghamton NewYork; USA

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: Hari Asokan


Graduate students of all levels and faculty are invited to register to give a 20 minute talk. Talks may be expository or on current research.

To register to attend the conference (with or without registering to give a talk), please use our Registration Form. The deadline for submitting a talk is October 7th, 2024.

To request funding, please use our Funding Request Form. The deadline for requesting funding is September 23rd, 2024.

To attend the conference, please register by October 7th, 2024.

November 2024

68th Texas Geometry and Toplogy Conference

at.algebraic-topology dg.differential-geometry gn.general-topology gt.geometric-topology mg.metric-geometry qa.quantum-algebra rt.representation-theory sg.symplectic-geometry
2024-11-08 through 2024-11-10
Texas A&M University
College Station; USA

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: Igor Zelenko


Founded in 1989, the Texas Geometry and Topology Conference (TGTC) has been held spring and fall ever since, a total of 67 times to date. The TGTC was conceived as a mechanism by which both the educational and the research atmosphere of the community of geometers and topologists could be enhanced. In order to accomplish this, the TGTC is organized so as to accomplish three specific goals:

(1) The TGTC is committed to bring researchers of national and international stature to Texas to discuss their research and to interact with mathematicians from Texas and surrounding states.

(2) The TGTC provides the community of geometers and topologists from Texas and surrounding states a convenient forum to meet and share mathematics on a regular basis. The geographic region is so large that few reasonable alternatives exist. The conference strongly encourages both individual research and productive cooperative efforts between schools.

(3) The TGTC is committed to the strengthening and enrichment of the mathematics personnel base. Graduate students, junior faculty, women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are especially encouraged to participate.

This Conference is supported by the National Science Foundation. Among the speakers of the current 68th edition of the conference are

Ian Anderson, Utah State University ; Robert Bryant, Duke University; Jarosław Buczyński, Institute of Mathematics of Polish Academy of Sciences (IMPAN); David Fisher, Rice University; Mikhail Gromov, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at NYU and IHES, (to be confirmed); Shelly Harvey, Rice University; Dmitri Pavlov, Texas Tech University; Jinmin Wang, Chinese Academy of Science.

The information about all past Texas Geometr and Topology conferences can be found at ttps://www.math.tamu.edu/~tgtc/archive/

December 2024

Chromatic homotopy theory and p-adic geometry

at.algebraic-topology nt.number-theory
2024-12-02 through 2024-12-06
American Institute for Mathematics
Los Angeles; USA

Meeting Type: workshop

Contact: Jared Weinstein


This workshop, sponsored by AIM and the NSF, will be devoted to interactions between p -adic geometry and chromatic homotopy theory. In particular, we will focus on the use of period maps and perfectoid methods to study the moduli stack of formal groups. We hope to use these methods to further our understanding of chromatic and transchromatic phenomena in stable homotopy and to see how the chromatic picture motivates and hints at possible novel results in p -adic geometry.

The main topics of the workshop are:

The p-adic geometry of the moduli stack of formal groups and its role in chromatic homotopy theory. Perfectoid methods in p-adic geometry. Period maps and generalized Rapoport--Zink spaces. This event will be run as an AIM-style workshop. Participants will be invited to suggest open problems and questions before the workshop begins, and these will be posted on the workshop website. These include specific problems on which there is hope of making some progress during the workshop, as well as more ambitious problems which may influence the future activity of the field. Lectures at the workshop will be focused on familiarizing the participants with the background material leading up to specific problems, and the schedule will include discussion and parallel working sessions.

Space and funding is available for a few more participants. If you would like to participate, please apply by filling out the on-line form no later than August 15, 2024. Applications are open to all, and we especially encourage women, underrepresented minorities, junior mathematicians, and researchers from primarily undergraduate institutions to apply.

Before submitting an application, please read the description of the AIM style of workshop.

Foliations and Diffeomorphism Groups

at.algebraic-topology dg.differential-geometry ds.dynamical-systems gr.group-theory gt.geometric-topology
2024-12-09 through 2024-12-13
Center International Recountre Mathematice (CIRM)
Luminy, Mareseille ; France

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: Mehdi Yazdi


The goal of the conference is to bring together international experts and young researchers working in foliations theory, diffeomorphism groups, 3-manifold topology, bounded cohomology, and 1-dimensional dynamics to share their insights and expertise and to foster collaborations that will lead to progress on important problems in both areas. Furthermore, to navigate the impact of the recent advances in each of these areas on the others, there will be minicourses to introduce young researchers to some of the major recent advances in these areas and there will be problem sessions and informal learning groups to come up with new problems within the scope of current techniques and long term projects between the subfields.

January 2025

Motives and mapping class groups

ag.algebraic-geometry gt.geometric-topology nt.number-theory
2025-01-27 through 2025-01-31
Pasadena, CA; USA

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: see conference website



June 2025

Graduate student workshop on discrete groups in topology and algebraic geometry

ag.algebraic-geometry gt.geometric-topology nt.number-theory
2025-06-09 through 2025-06-13
Notre Dame
Notre Dame, Indiana; USA

Meeting Type: graduate student workshop

Contact: Aaron Landesman


This is a graduate student workshop on discrete groups in topology and algebraic geometry. This includes topics like fundamental groups of varieties and mapping class groups. This is the second week of a three week long thematic program. The conference the following week may also be of interest to graduate students.

Discrete Groups in Topology and Algebraic Geometry

ag.algebraic-geometry gt.geometric-topology nt.number-theory
2025-06-16 through 2025-06-20
Notre Dame
Notre Dame, Indiana; USA

Meeting Type: conference

Contact: Aaron Landesman


This is a conference on discrete groups in topology and algebraic geometry, which includes topics like fundamental groups of varieties and mapping class groups. This is the third week of a thematic program on the topic.