Welcome to MathMeetings.net! This is a list for research mathematics conferences, workshops, summer schools, etc. Anyone at all is welcome to add announcements.

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Updates 2024-09

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  • [New] label for announcements added or updated in the last 30 days
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See the new git repository (GitHub) with additional update notes.

Upcoming Meetings

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July 2026

International Congress of Mathematicians

2026-07-23 through 2026-07-30
Philadelphia, PA; USA

Meeting Type: international congress

Contact: see conference website



August 2026

[New]The Gross-Zagier formula, 40 years later

ag.algebraic-geometry nt.number-theory rt.representation-theory
2026-08-03 through 2026-08-07
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge MA; United States

Meeting Type: Research conference

Contact: Ben Howard, Yiannis Sakellaridis, Zhiwei Yun, Wei Zhang


On the occasion of 40+ years after the seminar paper of Gross--Zagier, we bring together experts to deliver lectures on a broad range of topics connected with the Gross-Zagier formula, its generalizations, related future directions, and other works that it has inspired.

[New]The Australian Direction: A conference honoring the mathematical contributions of Matt Emerton and Mark Kisin

ag.algebraic-geometry nt.number-theory rt.representation-theory
2026-08-10 through 2026-08-14
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah; United States

Meeting Type: Conference

Contact: Sean Howe, Keerthi Madapusi



September 2026

Computations on K3 Surfaces and Related Varieties

ag.algebraic-geometry nt.number-theory
2026-09-09 through 2026-12-11
Providence, RI; United States

Meeting Type: thematic research program

Contact: see conference website



Page 2 of 2, showing 4 record(s) out of 104 total