Dynamics, aging and universality in complex systems: A celebration in honor of Gérard Ben Arous

Start Date
End Date
New York City, New York 
Meeting Type
Contact Name
Ivan Corwin 


The conference has 30 confirmed speakers in very active and fundamental areas at the intersection of probability, analysis, and mathematical physics. The main aim in the rigorous study of complex disordered systems is to understand how random microscopic systems display predictable and statistically universal collective macroscopic behaviors. Many such systems evolve to stationary states, but do so in very long time scales (e.g., exponential in system size). Dynamics and aging in these complex systems seeks to understand how their complicated energy landscapes governs their pre-stationary behavior. There are many different approaches in this area that will be represented at the conference, including spin-glasses, stochastic partial differential equations (PDEs), large deviation theory, and random matrix theory.

Many of the complex systems which will be discussed in this conference aim to describe real world phenomena and results proved for the mathematical models provide predictions applicable to the real systems. At a simpler level, think, for instance, of how the central limit theorem for sums of independent random variables predicts the Gaussian statistics which drives a large part of statistics in the real world. Besides physical applications, complex systems (e.g., spin glasses, growth processes and random matrices) have found many applications in computer science, machine learning, data science, bioinformatics, chemistry, and even areas like ecology and earth science.

The speakers are:

Erwin Bolthausen, Zurich

Anton Bovier, Bonn

Jiri Cerny, Vienna

Francis Comets, Paris

Percy Deift, NYU

Amir Dembo, Stanford

Jean-Dominique Deuschel, Berlin

Persi Diaconis, Stanford

Alexander Fribergh, Montréal

Martin Hairer, Warwick

Takashi Kumagai, Kyoto

Jean-François Le Gall, Orsay

Yves Le Jan, Orsay

Eyal Lubetzky, NYU

Terry Lyons, Oxford

Sylvie Méléard, Paris

Charles M. Newman, NYU

Stefano Olla, Paris

Houman Owhadi, Caltech

Sandrine Péché, Paris

Yuval Peres, Microsoft

Jeremy Quastel, Toronto

Scott Sheffield, MIT

Vladas Sidoravicius, NYU Shanghai

Alain-Sol Sznitman, ETHZ

S.R.Srinivasa Varadhan, NYU

Wendelin Werner, ETHZ

Horng-Tzer Yau, Harvard

Ofer Zeitouni, Courant-Weizmann


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